Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I agree with the timing of the storm. I'm glad we're getting snow but this time of year everyone travels and is on the road. Our chickens will be locked up for close to a week while we drive to my dads in Tennessee for Christmas.
He is a standard poodle. I am going to include him in some of the therapy sessions. The dog then serves as a bridge from what was covered in therapy when they aren't in session. The child is shown to hold onto progress better when they have a touchstone to remind them, like the dog. A whole bunch of good things about it. I'm not relying on the dog to BE the therapy, but be a bridge from therapy to home life. Also a great way for non verbal communication and spatial issues to be addressed. Good stuff for sure.

Thank you so much,

I asked because I have two grandchildren with autism and I was concerned for the puppy they have now. Your answers helped me to understand a bit better.
This snow could not have come at a more inconvenient time! Saturday afternoon would have been better.................. not for the Christmas travelers of course, but for the working stiffs a storm like they are predicting is going to wreak havoc.....

The Christmas program last night was pretty good. The band was fantastic! Off to the last one today, the younger kids have their program after lunch.

Kudos on the pup BigFam! Your DH will come around in the long run.

I was asked by my in-laws to cough up a Christmas list.... what I want is a handgun and shooting lessons. I do not think that is happening....

I suppose I should get my brekkie and finish up the bathroom. Time to paint the walls the color, a nice neutral beige. I have no idea what possessed me to paint it pink in the first place.... I hate pink.

Later all!
large enough to make a walking stick! She only brought a piece of one home. Just add it to the collection of items she has bought off the natives over the last 8 years!

the sex link link was interesting and will have to try it this year, and I think it might have made my idea to go all wyandotte a little easier! oh the options!

TO the muscovies are pretty cool and am wondering how they would do in a chicken tractor with poultry fencing with a small scrape (hole that holds water) type environment

does anyone have a lab that they use as a bird dog and it is around thier chickens? I am trying to convince my family we should have a lab! I only have to make a small deal with the devil! lol

we had moose t-bone and moose burgers for dinner tonight!

Are you all ready for this storm?

We have two black labs (mother and daughter) that my husband uses for pheasants and ducks. They REALLY, REALLY want to get the chickens, but they haven't. They pretend to run by them and then dart at them a little, just for fun. No problems with them though. My little Terrier/Daschund cross, however, has killed a few chickens that venture close enough to him when he's on his tie out. He went after the rooster one time and apparently the rooster got in a few good licks, because he leaves him alone now!
So far the puppy has been doing good with the chickens. Understands herding right off the bat. Had one chicken that got out when I was not ready to have them out and he ran it rightback to the door. No barking but the little grumbles he does. We are trying to find out about in home training for him. Had a local company email me that does it. Sounds like a good program, but they want to do it next week while we are home... but Puppy is getting neutered this Friday. I dont think that he will be up to good training a week later.
But I need them to work with my daughter and the dog. He is trying to put his best "alpha" on when she is around. He also goes bonkers in the morning after he wakes up and that is when he is at his nippiest. Otherwise he is a great little pup.

Need to get wrapping for all out gifts and get some things in the mail today or tomorrow. Not sure how the storm is going to interrupt school or work. I work for a game distributer so this is our busiest week of the year. Yikes. Kids are thrilled though. They were upset that it was not goingt o be a white christmas. Now it is.

Eggs supply is sporadic... Got 8 eggs 2 days ago and 3 yesterday. One of my new speckled sussex trio is laying, the other is not. Pretty birds. Roo is non agresive so far, but only about 5-6 months of age. Everyone seems to be getting along ok. Just trying to figure out my heated waterer. Dont know if it leaks or everyone is really thirsty in the cold, but it seems to go through water really quick. Need to make sure we are ready for this storm! After school today will put the kids to work helping me with this. At least the snow will cover up the dirt in teh yard in dead spots that the dog wants to dig so bad. He has gotten 2 baths in a week... hope he gets the hint or he will just learn to love baths. Little white paws covered in dirt doesnt fly in my house the week before christmas.
Maybe there's a baby"J" convention and xmas party goin on.
Could look for a star, go there and tell them to get back to work!
OMG! You are BAD! I almost spit my coffee on the screen!
I am still chuckling!

SO good morning chicken folk! I spent much time on Mapquest this AM looking at routes for my client tomorrow. The way that I thought would be the shortest turned out to be the longest! Calculated my mileage (well, MQ did it for me...) and supposedly it will cost $3.18 in gasoline to get there. Less than I thought too...now if there isnt too much snow to drive through I will be happy...otherwise I am taking the longer route and the freeway!

I read lots this morning...think I could remember what I wanted to say? NOT! (especially after reading the above comment!)
Oh yeah...Cind--our St Vinnies has bags of cotton rags for folks that make those rugs. I bet yours does too. My favorite one I ever had was from different blue jeans...loved that rug. I hope your DS gets good at it...we could all use one! Oh yeah, one other thing was you typed "Yong Son" and it got me thinking about Egg Foo Yong again!

BigFam that is the most adorable puppy! So you have actually picked that one out and have it reserved? You must call him Terry because his "claim day" is my birthday! (Terri if it's a girl) LOL!
NJ--my friend breeds, shows and hunts with Curly Coated Retrievers. A "neater looking" Lab for sure! She does sell "pet" quality ones too. You could check out her kennel. I think she has a website--the kennel name is Sun Devil Curly coated retrievers--shoot, I might as well find a link for you.... http://www.sundevilcurlies.us/
Anyhow...she has very nice dogs!

And NDchick-- I hear ya about the terrier types! When Valley was alive she lost an eye to a nesting goose and killed many chickens and ducks..that prey drive is just too strong! She was getting better though...mostly.

OK I have to get moving...might take my computer along tomorrow; just to "show" my client stuff ya know....
Have a great day! TerriOthinkingthatthesnowstormisjustafarce
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does anyone have a lab that they use as a bird dog and it is around thier chickens? I am trying to convince my family we should have a lab! I only have to make a small deal with the devil! lol
Joe, I have a rescued chocolate lab that was about 4 years old when I first got my chicks. Thanks to her, I have no woodchucks or gophers on the property anymore. She chases everything squirrel, chipmunk, raccoon, opossum, rabbit, coyote, and even skunk (three times at last count.) Therefore, I was worried about her behavior when I brought the chicks home.

Sure enough, she got all excited around the chicks. Fortunately, I was able to keep the chicks in a dog-free area of the house. Then I moved the chicks to the garden shed while a coop was being considered. Sure enough, she barked through the fencing and excited the birds whenever she was around.

Finally, the fowl were about 5 months old and were moved into their fine, new coop. I kept them inside for a few days before letting them out to free-range. For some reason - the excitement perhaps - I totally blanked out regarding the dog being there when I let the chickens out into the yard. CeeCee took off at a full run toward the chickens, positioned herself in front of the line of birds, and looked to me as if ready to herd them back to the coop.

I told her it was okay and called her back to me for some well-deserved admiration. She never once chased or bothered a chicken. The only time she took notice was when the birds made a lot of noise as if there were a danger. Then the dog would run off to check that they didn't need her help.

I have no fear of letting my lab outside without supervision. She's left home alone from time to time to watch over the yard, house, and chickens. In fact, the ONLY time she ever took an aggressive stance against a chicken was when a young rooster attacked me from behind. She jumped on the rooster with out hurting it and got between the bird and me while the rooster backed down, dusted himself off, and strutted back to the rest of the flock.

That's my lab story. I don't hunt with her, but I think she was trained for it - She is certainly not gun shy. We got her through the Humane Society as a stray, but whoever owned her originally had obviously spent a lot of time and attention on her care and training.

Love, Smart Red
I have a terrier mix and although she has been "trained" on what I expect from her when she is around the coop, I would NEVER trust her with them while they were out of the coop/run!!!! She definitely lives up to her hunting expectations...hunting/chasing rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and anything else that runs!

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