Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy happy birthday to you

Happy happy birthday to you

You're good to grow

So count the candles and blow

Happy happy birthday to you

To you! To you!

All of you with Sprout channel will be able to put the tune to this song.

Enjoy your day BigFam
Haha- recognized this right away! My DS3 is obsessed with Caillou so we watch Sprout everyday......
Happy Birthday BigFam!!
Feeling very sore today- must be the weather. Hopefully going to get my plants for the garden today. Want to get them in tomorrow if I can get the garden tilled up one more time.
Woke up to the roosters crowing and ducks quacking. Love that sound.
Have a good day all!
Rainy Wed here today, but I DID manage to get the WHOLE garden planted yesterday. Boy is that a load of my mind. My little escape artist Delaware had a nice go at all the little brussel sprout plants though~~~sigh~~~ Maybe in their new digs, on free range days they wont make it down to the garden.............wishfull thinking...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIGFAM~~ Hope you have a fabulous day!

Raw Milk.... Dairy State...."FREEDOM"... I hate BIG DOLLAR Government and thei intervention into our personal choices!!! I have a son that really benefited from raw milk and has been going backwards now that he hasn't been able to have it for a few years. We used to have it delivered right to the house. It was awesome. ggrrrrr
Morning everyone :frow
Thanks Dr H for the kind words and yep, should have known better :rolleyes: think you're right about Noodle. Gave her a good once over yesterday a.m. and nothing I could feel or see so I gave her a baby aspirin, let her out into the garden with the rest of the girls to graze for a while then grounded her to the run which was good because it started to rain not too long after which also kept down the complaints when they were all put to bed early so she would rest more (the night before she slept in her crate which made her mad at me but I didn't want her jumping off the roost in the morning) this morning she's still limping but not as badly.


Cindlady, glad you are on the mend!!! :hugs

it's another wet day. I think that should give me just enough more time on the heating pad. Can you believe we are supposed to FREEZE tomorrow night? Guess it's a good thing I wasn't able to get my transplanting done after all.

Casey, sorry y o u are giving up but totally understand. My hubby is thrilled we don't live closer because he said he knew I would have him over there with the trailer and cleaning you out!

Well, time for another cuppa and to go see if hubby and puppy snuck back to bed!:confused:
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good morning folks,

damp, cool, and going to stay that way today in the north,,,,,,good day for transplanting

Happy BIrthday bigfam!!!

Jim, I wouldn't suggest those chips,,,,,use your best soil, add some of your best composted material, till/turn it in.....I am a firm believer in soil tests,,,,,I can suggest the lab, then interpret and make suggestions,,,,costs less than $30,,,best money you can spend esp when setting up a greenhouse

Joe,,,go fishing and pickup Jim on the way (there how's that for a suggestion?)

good wet morning,, sort of slows down my building efforts, but my back appreciates it..

Yeah Dan, I sort of thought the wood chips were not the best idea.. I have a lot of compost to use, .. I have to fill in about 6 inches deep over the 11 x 35 foot area.. I figure about 2 cubic yards of dirt/compost .. I can scrape that together easily enough..
what do you think about adding a little river sand ?

I can backfill around the outside with the wood chips,, then eventually grass will grow there..

When can I take some grape cuttings and root them ? I have tons of good vines to cut from..

Annie found one of the vines that is growing between the two new coops.. I am going to transplant it to next to the peacock pen and let it grow up the side.. there should be another plant close by, but I might have the pen built right on top of it.. awww sh!t !!

had a guinea die .. reason?? and a bunch of them escaped again.. another awww sh!t !! "somebody" did not latch the gate.. got them all back in except 3 ..

23 guinea eggs going into lock down today. (minus the 3 volunteer chicks that hatched).

DD#2 is back from Texas,, had to fly waaaay around the storms yesterday.. took an extra half hour to get home.. I think I will call her and snag a free breakfast off of her.. HeII, I gave her life, that is the least she can do to repay me, right ?

LOL at Jim and the free breakfast .......... I totally agree with you, but kids seem to think the parents should pay for everything........till there dead, at least my youngest does.....
anyway I'm here this early cuz I need HELP......... I ran my hay guy outa hay, I have 10 bales for 3 horses till Junes 1st cutting.............not gonna happen, need about 30 bales to get me through, can't find anything near here, that isn't old ,moldy, dusty, or 8 friggen dollars a bale......anyone on here with horses or goats that can spare 30 bales till new crop comes in, I don't care if I have to run to Madison, I just need decent hay, my Mare can not eat dusty moldy hay she is allergic to it, and will get sick.. arggggggg I hate these idiots with there ridiculous prices........... .
Good late morning...got caught up in FB today. I wanted to read up on a few stories I was following...so now I am pretty caught up and way behind at the same time! Sure wish I coulda gotten the big garden planted yesterday. This rain is perfect for new seeds. It looks like it might be clearing now so I am hoping to get some worked up today. THe salad garden is looking GREAT right now. Herbs are slow though.

Ghost I would share with you if I could but I am going to run short too! I am hoping that my farmer cuts early. Everyone around here is talking about plowing up their hay fields because of all the rain and it drowning. That will not be good for the price for sure. Can you get a big round to tide you through? Better than nothing....

Neighbor brought MORE turkey eggs and a hatchling too. So was anyone looking for turkey poults? I found my hen on over 12 eggs too! Not too worried about them though...she is 4 years old and has yet to hatch out a clutch! I think she sits way too tight and makes them rot. Either that or the eggs just arent fertile...although once she hatched one in JANUARY! Mixed up bird for sure.

I have babies up in the attic of the coop. I heard them the other morning. I guess I will climb up there today and get them down. They have been up there a few days...Silver is the Mom...one of my old faithfuls!

Guess I better get my butt outside. DD21 is out there and she will give me he!! if she ends up doing all the chores...nevermind that I do them all the rest of the year!


Oh yeah--Happy Day BigFam!
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Drove to Cassie's this morning a picked out a few of her beautiful birds! So excited! My first hatch is due this weekend a little nervous! Excited for the Bash planning to come all day Saturday but not sure if we will camp the kiddos are a little nutso! Can't wait to meet everyone!
Happy Birthday BF my little Addi turns 2 tomorrow!
Have a great rainy day :)

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