Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

dcba: Which birds did youg et from cassies?

Cassies: Will you be updating your post with what is still available as you go along?

I got 2 SFH, 1 BCM, 1 Salmon Favorelle, and 1 blue wheaten Ameraucana (the sweetest bird) I'm thinking/hoping they are all hens they are such beautiful birds!! My lemon cuckoos are rocking and rolling since I put them in lockdown this morning! I'm such a dork but this is my first hatch so I'm just pretty excited its actually working!! Haha
I drovd there :) got a marans, swedish flower hen, and the blue egg... I think shes brown leghorn/americana... cant remember for sure.
Also got her huge bator! Hubby had $ saved from his bday, and I from mothersday. Were all in!!!!!!!!!
I really want to use it! But dont need a bunch of mutt chickies... the dottes will not be old enough to breed for along time... would anyone in my area like eggs hatched for them? Im just so excited to have it lol
Hey! You got my incubator . . .
Hey!  You got my incubator . . .
s sorry bbp! I want to hatch anybodys eggs and give em back... its not quite the same... but... I dont want a bunch of babies untill the dottes are ready... so im trying VERY hard to not throw in a bunch of mutties. Hubby has it all set up and ready lol
Last night was the first time we ever got to see a chick hatch! The kids were sooo excited
♡ we got it on video.
I just spent most of the week helping my daughter and her roommate settle into their new apartment in Chicago. I only got to take a short peek in here so I'm waaaaaay behind. Hope everyone is well and things are going great!! Now I have to get the store ready for the big weekend. It's was good to see my babies this morning - I think they were happy to see me, too.

The hubs still has no disc for the garden but has a big load of horse puckie coming from the neighbor. He might just pick up a drag and see if that will help break up the sod. I may have to find a lot of big pots and garden on my deck this summer!
good aft, CC, I know what that long "noooooo" was all about.. it was bacause you wasted your fluttering eyes on me for nothing,, I bet it really hurt to be nice to me, didn't it ?

Bro came and we finished the foundation for the greenhouse this afternoon.. I took pictures,, I will try to post them..

pictures are taking forever to upload.. anyhow, the foundation is 11 feet wide and 25 feet long..
we got all the posts concreted in..

Next I have to fill it up with soil to raise it above the surrounding ground level.. I don't want water running through it..

I have to go cook supper now,, bbl ..

good aft, CC, I know what that long "noooooo" was all about.. it was bacause you wasted your fluttering eyes on me for nothing,, I bet it really hurt to be nice to me, didn't it ?

Bro came and we finished the foundation for the greenhouse this afternoon.. I took pictures,, I will try to post them..

pictures are taking forever to upload.. anyhow, the foundation is 11 feet wide and 25 feet long..
we got all the posts concreted in..

Next I have to fill it up with soil to raise it above the surrounding ground level.. I don't want water running through it..

I have to go cook supper now,, bbl ..


That's a nice start!!
Button Quail? I didn't know anyone had those. I had some for the girls but when we lost our power for a day (-ish) they died w/o the heat lamp and we've been searching for them ever since. Talked to people who refered me to people who said they no longer raise them and to check w/someone else who then ends up not raising them, etc... If you know of anyone, LMK! :)
TO has quail
Oooohhh, I want a greenhouse. Another project for the hubby after he builds my chicken tractor!! I see your all doing pretty well.

I will have a dozen Langshan hatching eggs in a couple days that someone ordered but can't get them now...Drop me a message if your interested or I'll be forced to hatch them myself and I'll be covered in chicks!

I did find someone to come out an NPIP test. She's coming Monday! Have an awesome Memorial Day everyone. My sister and fam are coming tomorrow up so I will likely miss a lot of posts and have to read for ever to catch up next week.

I should be cleaning my house (including stinky litter boxes) but instead my daughter and I are doing head stands and other fun things. She also made me do this back flip thing. It wasn't that fun when I landed flat on my back. She says "you did pretty good, try it again".


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