Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi most of the folks r at the bash so I will offer a thought or two I like to put my young bird in a pen in the coop for a couple of days,,, then I let them loose in the coop for another 2-3 days then i let them come out on there own,,, and thats about all it takes,,, ussually works for me,, Others may have some suggestions but you will have to wait a day or so longer,,, what i do seems to work well so good luck.... Dont worry about asking questions we were all rookies once,,, I ts better to ask and succeed than not ask n fail and then ask what went wrong! You could easily put up a small temp run with some wire fence and a few rods or stakes,,,,you could do this yourself,,,,simple affordable functional, give it a try.... i suggast a 4 ft high fence and some fiberglass rods,,, but you could use wood stakes and tie or ziptie the wire to the posts good luck

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I'm home safe and sound. It was very very fun!!! The Bash is not to be missed. I wish I could have stayed tonight. But my oldest is getting confirmed to morrow morning. My baby!

I won the Amyable art piece. So COOL. The food was superb for the potluck.

We laughed, and laughed over drinks last night. I only had 2, yes 2!, and I had to stop. I had enough of a buzz that a third would have made me throw up. Now CC on the other hand... She can really put them away!

Terri did not waive any knives at children, so that's wonderful. The bunk house was fantastic!!! I would stay there again in a heartbeat.

The kids all played REALLY well! No fights, or injuries. It was so nice to not be watching someone every minute we were there!

I did however forget Kristi's eggs (I'm super sorry... Jim forgot to give them to me too!). I also forgot the bumpy ball from Kendra. A thoughtful gift to be sure! I brought home a gosling, a chick of some origin, 2 blue laced red wyandottes, 2 splash English orpingtons, and 3 buff orpingtons.

I am jealous of the wine tasting this evening, and hope that will make a comeback next year!!! Have a great night!

Next year I'm going to carve the date in stone and get someone to watch the store for me!
Oh no?.. Ok I totally understand...juggling kids and chaos etc. lets hope Terri or someone else in this part of the stat grabbed those eggs. I m desperate for the guinea eggs!!!!
Sounds,like fun. Ish I would not have missed it but crazy busy this weekend,
Teenagers went out tonight in the coop. Lets hope everyone wakes up stupid and doesn't realize they are new. Think I saw both the white rock and the pretty olive egger playing raise the hackles and attack each other. I only kept six babies...wouldn't it figure that two are boys!!
For everyone who could not make it; it would have been great to meet all of you!

Everyone is calling it quits early tonite; some of us were burning the midnight oil last night so people are pretty tired..... so no wine tasting. :( maybe next year ( when amyable is able to participate).

Pretty tired myself. Everyone sleep well!
Woke up this morning wondering about the survivors of the evil fire pit.
Been there done that. Sounds like it was a great time wish we could have made it but... Taz is fading and think it might come today. She's been daddy's girl all week and been snubbing L that changed this morning she's mommy's girl. And the ditch is still over full don't know if they couldn't get the back hoe or what will call tomorrow to find out what the H is going on. Everytime it rains within minutes the water level rises up the block wall in the crawlspace. About 2 rows from the floor joists now.
Sent my idiot neighbor a notice telling him that if he or anyone else is caught on the prop that they will be prosecuted. Anyway HAPPY BDAY VIC!!!!!!! My broody decided yesterday that she didn't like the box she was in and moved next door. I took the eggs and set her on the ground after nearly losing a hand. So funny squattin with her tail feathers in full strut. And then back in the box. I'll give her some more eggs and see if she sticks. Everything is up in the garden except for some the cukes might have to replant those think they drowned. Hope all the chicken bashers get home ok today! Can't wait to see the pics.
Woke up this morning wondering about the survivors of the evil fire pit.
Been there done that. Sounds like it was a great time wish we could have made it but... Taz is fading and think it might come today. She's been daddy's girl all week and been snubbing L that changed this morning she's mommy's girl. And the ditch is still over full don't know if they couldn't get the back hoe or what will call tomorrow to find out what the H is going on. Everytime it rains within minutes the water level rises up the block wall in the crawlspace. About 2 rows from the floor joists now.
Sent my idiot neighbor a notice telling him that if he or anyone else is caught on the prop that they will be prosecuted. Anyway HAPPY BDAY VIC!!!!!!! My broody decided yesterday that she didn't like the box she was in and moved next door. I took the eggs and set her on the ground after nearly losing a hand. So funny squattin with her tail feathers in full strut. And then back in the box. I'll give her some more eggs and see if she sticks. Everything is up in the garden except for some the cukes might have to replant those think they drowned. Hope all the chicken bashers get home ok today! Can't wait to see the pics.

So sorry about Taz, Dr H! Hope you get your neighbor problems sorted out before it rains again!!
Im sorry about your Taz as well. I have a Taz as well, she is a Shiba Inu. She is 14 and has glaucoma. She is still doing good, but we dread losing her.

Hi everyone!

Sounds like the bash was a huge success. Wish I could have made it. Thanks to you all again for the birthday wishes. DrH so sorry you are losing your baby. I pray the going is softly for you both.

Yesterday was the city wide rummage in Antigo. I just couldn't stand missing it so I took drugs and hobbled off. I didn't last very long, the pain in my ankle and knee got the better of me but I still had a good time . Good thing I wasn't gone that long. I was home when the rain hit and it was a huge cloud burst!!! My poor girls made a run for the coop but Noodle didn't make it and I had to go rescue her from under a bench and get her into the coop. That's when I discovered the chicks weren't in their cage but huddled under the ramp, terrified and getting soaked. My umbrella scared them even more and they scattered so I had to scoop them up one at a time and pop them into the coop. Good thing they don't mind being picked up and they were in their own little run and not loose in the main run! I dried the babies off and everyone got a warm supper, that is after our power came back on which we lost AFTER the rain stopped, go figure.

40o when I got up this morning with a frost warning for tonight. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! My sweet hubby has already got me out several bales of straw for covering the plants and everything in the greenhouse will have to come inside because he's already drug the oil heater back in to the coop to keep the chicks warm tonight (and poor little bare butt Crockpot too, she was shivering this morning). Hubby just left for town to get lumber to build a new set of steps for the coop so I won't fall again and I was threatened to not go outside till he gets home. Such a mother hen, silly hubby.

Hope you all make it home safe and sound and post lots of pics!!!!
Based on how sweet the little orps I got from Jim are I think he's the chicken whisperer! Heather hope your roosters are just as friendly ;)! Had a blast at the bash meeting everyone maybe I will learn to assemble the tent this summer so I can sleepover next year!

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