Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hmmm, quiet day today. Everyone must still be recuperating from the bash, except Bigfam, of course. What a lightweight.
Plus she ditched us on Saturday.

DrH, I am so very sorry to hear about Taz. Hugs to you and Laura, and Toby & Kissy too.

Not much new here. One more day til Hershey babies. I can hear them peeping since this morning.

Pink is doing great, Frenchie. (Heather had to rename her). But honestly, I don't remember you ever telling us her name, but it was kinda alot going on all at once when you brought her over. She is quite the chatterbox. Must be the breed, cuz Floyd is too. Speaking of Floyd, I was out in the run yesterday & all the roos seemed to have a bug up their tail, chasing each other around. Well, the biggest one (Curly) decided to chase the littlest one (Floyd) around, so I came out with the rake, which usually stops everyone in their tracks. Nope. Curly just kept coming, and he is a huuuuge boy, so Floyd decided to fly for it and landed on my shoulder. Curly looked really bummed.
Thankfully he didn't try to do the same or I'd probably be all black & blue.
rained on and off all day here.. a lot of it was on me.. I ran out of gas on the way to FF to fill up. second car in line at the stop lights on bridge street.. Annie brought me a can of gas,, but my battery died with the flashers going.. so she pushed me with her car into a nearby parking lot.. Of course my trailer hitch had to slide under her plastic bumper and we were stuck like a couple of dogs.. I pulled the pin on the hitch and we got free.. I didn't have a bucket of cold water handy..

we have 16/20 guinea keets hatched.. I don't think there will be any late ones.. one died during birth,, I am satisfied with just 75% ..

switching the BO's to meat maker granuals tomorrow..

a guy is coming for a couple of barred rock hens and a goose on Thursday..
and a lady is coming from Hurley on Friday for the Bourbon Red Tom and his two girl friends..

I started a big tub of grain for sprouting today. And I think I'm going to send in fecal samples to check for internal parasites. Those chickens are always scratching through the horse poop, who knows what they are picking up. Speaking of horses. I've had about enough of those beasts. Maybe I'm just more of a goat person. I tried worming them today, the gelding kept rearing up trying to kill me. The mare ended up having wormer all over her face and all over me. I didn't even try the filly. So, I got one wormed after a lot of frustration. And I wanted to beat all of them. Maybe the Amish need a certain gelding for a while. I've been against breaking his spirit, but I think it just may need to be done. I don't ride them, they have no purpose other than costing me money and mowing my lawn when they feel like staying up by the house and not running down to the river. It's just hard to sell them because I need a negative coggins on all of them, I should get them vaccinated, I don't have a round pen for a potential buyer to ride them in, I was told the mare was 10 but I doubt it so I need a vet to confirm, and I have no money to get a vet out here. So they will continue to just be spoiled. Oh, did I mention the 9 month old filly is not weaned? Yeah . . .
This thread would be so boring without reading the daily adventures of Jim and Sandi.

Forgot to add, no rain here, although it started to look like it after 4. Don't think we'll be that lucky tomorrow.
I just can't compete with Robins drinking. I am a huge wuss!

I didn't know you were doing Hershey babies! Who's the daddy? Or don't you know? ;)

Jim that mental picture of no gas, dead battery, Annie bumper pushing, hitch sticking.... SO funny! You get 4 stars for the most misadventures today!

Hey TerriO, I didn't realize my cook book was AUTOGRAPHED?! Now I can sell it for big bucks if you get famous one day, Yahoo!

JJ... As to you being a deity... Lets just say if there's lightening around I'm choosing to stand waaaay away from you. I think there was something in a commandment that could get you in trouble. You might want to check out the first one... :D
BBP speaking of loving horses my vet found a 2 inch staple in my mare's frog today and had to cut out the infection! So dbl the cost planned shots and exam would be! Ugh this one is just an accident waiting to happen no clue where the staple came from!
The BO's from Jim are still under his spell and climb into my kids laps and on to their shoulders and fall asleep! I think I might send him the kids next to hypnotize! Hope it warms up soon I need to finish planting the garden...
Hi again...reading about the wormer BBP--we just now ordered ours from Jeffers Supply, buy 6 get one free and free shipping! It was $58. I am hoping that we dont have to use all 7 to worm 5 horses...seems like you might need to get some more hey? Your story kid of made me chickle though...I have ended up wearing more wormer than I care to admit!
I am starting to sense some skepticism about my being a deity
I dont know JJ...I found a cold lifeless chick today and held it in MY hand for a while...yeah, still dead! You must have the power in you...I dont. It was a cutie too!
The bird I set with cuckoo eggs and OEs hatched her eggs yesterday and today. They are adorable...proving that your roo is fertile! (I know we had some concerns)
Jim that mental picture of no gas, dead battery, Annie bumper pushing, hitch sticking.... SO funny! You get 4 stars for the most misadventures today!

Hey TerriO, I didn't realize my cook book was AUTOGRAPHED?! Now I can sell it for big bucks if you get famous one day, Yahoo!
That gave me a nice picture in my head to BigFam! I was wondering if Jim was cussing...or maybe Annie was. At first I thought he was going to say that he steered the car and Annie pushed it!

And yes I did sign the cookbook...as you look through it you will find that I also contributed LOTS of recipes! I didnt know that you were the one that ended up with it. Does that mean you got the white elephant too? OH OH--guess who's coming to the bash next year?

ALthough, if you have your "secret get-together" and have a W.E. Exchange you could theoretically get rid of it....BUT, then everyone that didnt get invited would know that you had that get together and would probably stone you at the spring bash! So sorry lady...you and your "trouble making ways" are stuck!!!

I better get outside and close up...I think my silver hen lost her silver baby during the weekend...I havent seen it since I got home.

Sweet dreams--TerriO
I just can't compete with Robins drinking. I am a huge wuss!

I didn't know you were doing Hershey babies! Who's the daddy? Or don't you know?

Jim that mental picture of no gas, dead battery, Annie bumper pushing, hitch sticking.... SO funny! You get 4 stars for the most misadventures today!

Hey TerriO, I didn't realize my cook book was AUTOGRAPHED?! Now I can sell it for big bucks if you get famous one day, Yahoo!

JJ... As to you being a deity... Lets just say if there's lightening around I'm choosing to stand waaaay away from you. I think there was something in a commandment that could get you in trouble. You might want to check out the first one...
How can anyone be a woosie when you have 5 boys?????????
I know I'd be drinking.

As for daddy, it's either Duncan or Connor (both are lavs). It'll be interesting to see what I get, but right now I'm just looking for more layers, and she is a darn good one. Fingers crossed!

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