Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Zeke.... better keep a close eye on those chicks once they hatch.... don't want chickie porn in the coop!
CC.... Yep, I have all of Highlander on TAPE.... grrr, nothing to play them on now.
I threw "Game of Thrones" out there hoping someone else here was hooked on that too.

Well, we lost Moses today. He got hit by a car in front of the south neighbors.
Hundreds of acres behind us.... he has to cross the road.

Good news is I got all the plants I want for the garden! We should have 2 dry days to get it in too.
Hey now! Zeke, what have you started????
Cind, if I had cable, I have no doubt I'd be addicted to Thrones. So, so sorry to hear about Moses.

Doc, glad I'm not the only one.
I was starting to worry. I hear ya on usually getting nort earlier in the year. Weather just wasn't having any of that this year.
Glad you finally made it & hope the fish are biting!

cs, sorry for laughing at you.
Actually, I was laughing at the image of you in my brain trying to drive with ants in your pants. But just so you know, I was weeding one of the gardens when I disturbed an ant hill, and boy, they were not happy with me! So what goes around, came around................

Wow Lisa, awesome aquarium!

Sorry Jimbo, but I have only hit the submit button once. I haven't gotten any notifications of updates or PMs from BYC eitherm so it's not ME!

Better not be booting any of my orps, Richard!

Marcy! Glad Frenchie found you. Hope you like it here.

Irish, so sorry about Michelle.

Ghost, "on his flapper"??????????
I highly doubt that was Adam posting that.

Wow, Heather, sorry about Pickle.

It has been a crazy busy couple of days here. Chicks hatching, garden planting, DH had a band gig yesterday from 5 to 10pm (not including setup & breakdown) then before he leaves for band practice this morning, he discovers the basement freezer took a schmidt!
So guess what I did almost all day today?
Looks like I'll be doing lots of cooking these next few days, for us and the chickens.
And such a beautiful day too. I was hoping to weed out the southern facing garden today.
Not happening. And now I'm exhausted with eyes burning after catching up on 10 pages. I wanted to post chick pics tonight. The chocolates are adorable! And have butts as big as mommas already (even DH noticed). Hoping to sleep good. Sweet dreams, all!
Ok, now that I have a reputation for being long winded on the keyboard .......

Good Evening folks.... welcome Marcy..... I liked you until I found out you have snakes !!!!!! Just kidding !!! I still like you.... but the snakes.... no comment !!! LOL

So sorry Irish and Cindlady for your losses... Rest in Peace Mosses and Michelle.

Well, I think today I went the whole day gluten free.... I'm not sure about the venison italian sausage. I called the place we had it made and not sure if the guy I talked to even knew what I was talking about... I meant to call before we brought it to the bash to see if it was gluten free but as it turns out we didn't cook it anyway :( It sure was tasty.... Never had it before without spaghetti sauce..... Boy, now I see what I was missing.....hmmm

Bigz, congrats on the big catch !! Yummm !!

Drove back to town today to buy some snow fence for the garden. Sure hope it keeps the critters out.... ET stayed home and pounded in the stakes. Now just need to attach the fence then plant all of the tomato's, peppers, cabbage, brussel sprouts and seeds. Our luck we'll have an early frost and end up with zilch.... but that happened two years ago anyway.... the day before we were going to pick the cabbages the deer beat us to it..... oh well, time will tell.

Delish, congrats on the duck hatch !!!

LMiller.... do you practice natural horsemanship ie Parelli or C Anderson ???? I love Parelli.... Changed my percheron/morgan into an angel (most of the time)
Good advice on the mini... those little fellows can be a handful. My little pony taught my belgian how to squeeze between the fence and get out.
Starting to look like someone else is PG around here...... no not me, even though it looks that way !!! LOL Remember my spotted Donkey FiFi that I got last fall ? She came with the Jack Danny ? The seller didn't think she was PG but that was ok... Never saw any interest between the two of them, no flapping LOL but all of a sudden she is getting pretty big and yes she has been dewormed..... so not sure when but getting excited. Now I need to read up on Donkey birthing !!! lol Been 4 years since my spotted draft/fresian was born.... btw she needs to be broke to drive ........ LMiller do you break to drive ???? She's awesome !!! Black and white but looks like a fresian !!! Her name is Farrah .... Fairy Tale for short !!

Ok, that's it for now..... should take my sleeping pill or I might get the urge to eat something... and probably not the right thing !!!

Oh and Jim, someone in Rhinelander is selling keets for $7 so yours are a deal !!! lol
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Heather, OMG, how terrible. I wish I lived closer or I'd come help with your chickens.
I'm assuming your brother lives close to you ?
Yes there was an angel watching over Halden today. (((HUGS))) to both of you !!
I think that CareTrak is an excellent idea. You have to do what you have to do. You would think insurance would pay for something like that but probably not right? That sucks. Something that can actually save his life !

CC... I didn't know freezers Schmidted !!! lol
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Hi All!

vicki.... no need to feel sorry for me.... I GOT MY GARDEN IN!!!! I just need to put a few seeds in and DONE! All the important stuff is in!
I even have a nice blister to show for it! lol

BTW... I love snakes and raised ALLOT of rats! Both Pet and feeder. I and my oldest had a pet store. LOL, sounds like you got the starts (or end) of one yourself!

Iriish.... sorry about Michelle

BigZ....congrats to the grandkids on the fish!

BigFam.... WOW! Sure am glad Halden's adventure turned out OK. That tracker sounds like a great idea! (Could have used one for my kids at times!) Hope you can come up with money for it soon!

Delish... cute quackers!

CC... You would LOVE "Game of Thrones" You should see what's on line.

OK, again I know I missed stuff... wiped out from working in the garden! Night All!

OH, Speaking of rooster's "flappers".....
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Good about to be wet Sunday morning everyone!
Oh well, at least it's supposed to be a dry and warm week coming up. Let everyone out early but they are all back inside and snuggled into their fresh straw waiting for the rain to start so I just closed the popholes so it would warm up inside. I'll let them all back out after they are thru with their morning naps. Spoiled chooks.

Going for another cuppa, my blankie, the Sunday papers and my comfy chair till the rain passes. Oh, and hubby just decided to make frenchtoast for breakfast, yum.


BTW- spool glad Halden is safe. Can't imagine how scary that must have been!!!
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