Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yes Heather my butt was a-jigglin.......... I had good incentive for punching the bag though, all I need to do is go to work and hear the latest on our plant manager.

You are all a bunch of sickos.......
but funny!
I went to the gym today to meet a trainer. I found out 2 things. 1. I'm not as small boned as I thought as I was, and 2. I have a huge amount of fat (in my opinion). But because my bones arent tiny, it means I'm not supposed to go losing too much weight to get within the healthy body fat percentage range. I'm not specifying numbers either, so dont even ask! ;)
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glad you saw a trainer! Those stupid charts are a bunch of bull with a one-size-fits-all calculation.... they almost never take frame size as a factor when calculating your BMI....... or your 'proper' weight...... so dumb......

Apparently I cannot be called 'obese' any longer; I lost weight on our trip...... but will most certainly put it all back on within the next few weeks....
Hi All!

Not going back to reread tonight.

Jim.... Maybe your Aunt was after your special gum

TO... aww, too bad about the ducklings.

My mom and I were about the same height, she was fine boned and her good weight was 100lbs. I have ox bones and when I was down under 120 my tummy caved in and you could count my ribs! I won't say how much I need to loose now

That's it... Night All!
FrenchToast - just curious as I have sleep apnea and use an APAP at night. If you don't have sleep apnea, why do you need a CPAP/APAP? What other condition does it help?
Good question. I was told from my sleep study that I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome. The pulmonoligist explained it to me but with my memory the way it is I CRS as to what he said. One of the things I remember his saying when you have sleep apnea and wake up you remember waking up. With UARS you wake up but you don't remember it. From what I've been reading though is UARS can cause other conditions to worsen high blood sugars, high blood pressure and alot of other things besides the daytime tiredness and fatique.
My pulmonary function test showed a decreased difusion capacity and stated: An isolated low diffusion capacity suggests the possibility of pulmonary vascular disease, such as pulmonary hypertension, chronic pulmonary emboli and sleep apnea. And Clinical correlation is recomended. So with all that being said, I am being referred to a cardiologist and have to have an EKG, and an Echocardiogram this week then see both the pulmonoligist and cardiologist. My guess is it will be my congestive cardiomyapathy stiring up trouble again. So we shall see what they do about it. I do know when I've used ET's CPAP I felt like I could breath better, like my lungs were getting more air... hard to explain. ... so we'll see. Nothing ever goes by the book for me medically.. For instance when I had a heart Muga scan. One of the things that test does is see what your ejection fraction is (The about of blood your heart should pump out.....I believe the normal heart pumps out between 60-70% of the blood that was pumped in. On my test it said my Ejection Fraction )(EF) was 27%.... ok so I walk down the hall to get an echocardiogram and they said it was 60%......Go to the doctors office and he sees both tests taken maybe 30 minutes apart !!! He didn't know what to say because my symptons were equivelent to 15% EF. He just shook his head..Then when I had the Muga scan repeated it was 37%(improved by being on meds) and then come to find out they LOST the first 27% Muga scan ........So I guess the question is will they be able to put their heads together and figure out what is causing what and how to treat me. Ok, I'm rattling on the influence of ambien here. I keep falling asleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Good Morning! Sorry to hear of all the losses! Hope those who are trying to quit can do so. I've tried many times and found I didn't like it. Am in the process of cutting back, have been burnin almost 2 packs a day since Dad died. Yup Bigz thought about kits right away, hope it was a male. The kids were still locked up thankfully. I know their around but it's the first one I've seen in the wild. Pretty cool. Need to mow the dang lawn again. Sump pump is still running non stop and more rain on the way. Don't know what we'll get out the garden this year. Had a big dark cloud come through with stong winds while eating supper thought I should be out there taking the bucket off the Fiord to keep the squito's off. By the time I got out there it had passed. BUZZZZ. Going upstairs to finally finish the insulation while it's cool and I need a shower. Hoping to get my ears lowered today. Should just get a set of sheep shears and griz it when needed. Things to do gotta go.
Heather and Terri...hoping that all the tragedy are done. No more!
Since gas sucks right now, I am really trying to limit how often I go into Madison. One big trip might be too many things in one day...we will see.
Kids have a class tis morning and then pack up the car, eat some lunch and go...off to donate to goodwill, meet someone who is buying a toy posted on Craigslist after the rummage sale was a bomb, then over to the east side to gt my sweet potatoes, then meet someone to sell one of the kids bikes I hadmon Craigslist, then might stop at petsmart for dog food and some more fish for our tank. Then the grocery and the kid are invited to a last minute day gt together if we can make it...we will see if we get there. Yikes.
Kristi-I got confused just reading your daily agenda! Wow. Good luck.

Chicks are 4, 3, &2 months old. I had to look it up as I'm evaluating sounds that they are making and when they should be nesting.

Hope it dries up for those of you effected. I'm still watering here.

How are all effected by cocci?

Here they are!!!! More in the bator to come out this afternoon! They are sooo cute! We got up early to make sure none were falling behind. Did a couple more dips on the ones who seemed to be sleeping more. But they are sooo hard to tell apart!!

You should have seen our assembly line when we toom them out! I am super glad hubby built our mini pens for in the bator! I never would have been able to tell them apart!!

Hope everyone has a good day! Wish I could have stayed home to watch chick tv lol

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