Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Morning! Once again not going to read the boat load of posts. Sorry! Hope everyone is good! Think I'm just going to check in from time to time. I'm getting sick of all the rain and thus all the water. Garden is 50% under AGAIN! Maters are rotting from the bottom up. Doesn't look too promising for any of it. On the upside got the Fiord loader frame welded up yesterday brought it home and put the dirt bucket back on. Going to put the back blade on it after I change the mounting pins. But first going to clear some more area from behind where the new garage is going. Have decided to pour the slab myself along with help of course. That should save me a couple of G's. Chickens are doing good and no losses from the big puddy tat but have noticed the rabbit population is greatly diminished so it's still around. Toby will NOT be sleeping today! 4:15 wake up this AM. Have to go dump the rain gage before it tips over and release the Kracken.
good lazy morning,, seems like a lot of them lately.. DD#1 found me a couple of 5 ft bar clamps at a rummage sale.. $5/each.. just at the most opertune time, I must say.. I needed at least one of them for installing the purlins on the green house..

the pipped goose egg gave up. not a good year for my goose eggs..
I do have a new turkey hatched, though..

I put the peacocks on c list for $90/each ..

I got 20 eggs from Marlene yesterday,, and today I stole 25 eggs from the community guinea nest. I will be setting them shortly..

but now it is breakfast and shower time..
HOT & MUGGY! UGH!! I have some more things to plant but I'm going to lay low today. My fair Irish skin doesn't take the sun and heat very well. Stop in to see me if you're near Waupaca - I'll have the air conditioning on and some iced tea in the fridge.

Love all the pics!!

Stay cool!!
Good Morning Everybody.

Short and sweet here.

If anybody remembers seeing one of my coops that was made using the 8' treated landscape timbers just thought if anyone is interested Menards has them on SALE for $1.95. We didn't get ours at Menards, we got them a Home Depot. Home Depot will match Menards price plus I think give you 10% off. They have held up so far very very well.
They normally go for $3 +.

My MaCaw is really swearing up a storm this morning..... "God D*M it... never mind", "OMG", Wow, wonder where she picked up such fowl language...... Must be from ET when I'm not home !!!

ps the landscape timbers are 3"x4"x8'
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Good really late morning! I am glad to see that I am not the only lazy one eating breakfast now...I just finished my last GF bagel with some cream cheese and blueberries on top. It was delish...now I have to go back and get more to have in the freezer (I dont eat them very often) or figure out how to make them. I have been collecting recipes for breadstuffs and have the flours etc but dont really want to turn the oven on!

Very sticky here today. A nice woman came from Madison this morning to get hatching eggs...she took a half dozen of B/B/S (ameraucanas) (ameracaunas?) [which one?] Please circle the correct answer. And a half dozen Cuckoo Marans. Maybe she is going to make some OEs too? She had two cute kids with her. THe little girl loved the baby quail! BTW--I ended up with 18. I will shut that bator down for cleaning tonight and transfer the Langshan eggs from Lisa to it in the morning if it is back up to temp.

DrH--I will miss your daily comments! I am trying to just comment at night on the weekdays...then I dont get stuck on the computer until 11! There is so much work to be done here! I need a few extra hands. The girls left for the beach...the boy is back asleep! Those of you with young ones...make sure you train them up right...I obviously did something wrong here...I should have gone to Babylady's school of child rearing I guess. Everybody likes my "kids" and they are fine out of the house, but try to get them to do something around here? Yeah, forget it! I guess I will blame DH! LOL!
Speaking of...he left early this morning for South Dakota. Apartment fire or something that they are looking to fix. It wouldnt be so bad when he is out of town if only they paid him a per diem like his other company did. This one just pays expenses along with his regular salary...so not fair!

THe beagle must really be hot. She is laying on her back in the leather chair. Her legs are twitching. Such a funny dog.
Frenchie--I have the quietest parrot ever! He rarely makes a noise since his mate died. It makes me very sad cause he used to talk all the time.

OK--I better get outside...I said I would do the watering today and I think the critters might need it! Later all...TerriO
Irish, I would try Jack's Hardware downtown Waupaca (Tru Value) for a stirrup hoe. We had one when I was a kid and I thought it was the best tool ever. I need to get my hands on one (not like I have a garden worth using it in....) Everything is growing REALLY well here, I expect buds on the squashes pretty soon....

Getting excited about tomorrow!!!!! I hope I manage to do everything and NOT get hurt!

And of course, more slide show on the way.... I keep forgetting that all of you were having less than pleasant weather back here...

The family tradition of getting a pic done at Kepler Cascades...

The Cascades

Old Faithful....

One of the thermal pools at the site of Old Faithful.

I posted this pic to show the damage people have been doing to the pools. People have been throwing rocks into this one, causing the bacterial to dislodge and ruin the beauty.

Sawmill geyser. This thing was like the Energizer Bunny...... it never quit!

Fading Glory Pool.

Emerald Pool

Sunset Lake.

This is some of the runoff from the Grand Prismatic spring and the Excelsior Geyser.

The Grand Prismatic Spring. I wish they had an elevated walkway over this one.....

Turquoise Pool

The Excelsior Geyser

The Grand Tetons in the distance on our way out......

Batten down the hatches, another round of storms are making their way here. Everyone have a good evening!
Okay Now I am feeling a bit home sick!!
I grew up in the shadow and IN the Sierra Mtns of CA and NV, Lake Tahoe. It wasn't until we moved out here that I really started to miss the mountains.
Also mostly I miss sagebrush and the purple color of the mountains http://camasterminer.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/holedistance.jpg

I get a kick out of the skier's and such when they talk about "Cascade Mountain"... yeah.. no.. big hill not a mountain!!
My DH's Best friend came out that same year we moved from CA to here, and he was actually a bit claustraphobic with the mountains.

I have chicks that are staring at me through the glass door, and being quite the inquistive types.

And on a sad note.. Amyable, All of the Jaers are going today to a buyer up in Rhinelander, if he actually calls.. he is supposed to call when he gets close and is coming this afternoon.....
Yet another thing to be sad about

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