Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

cute chicks..

well i looked up what those eggs were that are sent..something called d'uncles? something like that..I know nothing of the breed..guess i better do some reading.

Deli...they are nice little birds with tiny eggs. Carol and I picked up some from neighbors. The self blue is also called lavender. Porcelain are gorgeous. I had a mean little roo that was a porcelain. Wish it had been a hen, we have one that we raised from a day old, but we sold the rest to a glad at Bree them around here. They re cute with big chests and fluffy little feet. Enjoy them!
My friend has thought for the last 3 months that she had a turkey. She named it TomTom. Today she said it was acting aggressive towards her pullets and asked if I would take it. Then she sent me a picture. I had to break it to her that Turkeys don't have combs or feathers on their necks and she had a white rock cockerel. Lol!
My friend has thought for the last 3 months that she had a turkey. She named it TomTom. Today she said it was acting aggressive towards her pullets and asked if I would take it. Then she sent me a picture. I had to break it to her that Turkeys don't have combs or feathers on their necks and she had a white rock cockerel. Lol!

That is funny..
Good evening, I was going through Wausau Craig's List and found a few ads for hay. $170/ton
some bales grass, $2.5o/throw bales and regular bales $3.5o
get it now before the prices go up and you are out..

have a goose sitting on 7 goose eggs.. along with a few guinea eggs.. we are going to let her try..

all I did outside today was water and feed the birds.. by the time it cooled off just before dark, it was too late to start doing anything..

BBP. funny about your friend's "turkey"..

I had a call from a lady I sold chickens and a couple of geese to last year.. one of her hens hatched 3 chicks.. the lady wanted to know what to do ?? I said what have you done so far ? she said, nothing except put feed and water out.. I said, then that is all you have to do.. she was afraid that the chicks would run away from the hen..

then she told me that she hates her geese.. she tried to break up a skirmish between a goose and her rooster.. she grabbed the goose and it commenced to flogging her with his wings.. Knocked off her glasses and gave her a black eye.. her geese have new names.. sons of itches...

Oh hey... George has an injured wing. I thought it would heal on its own. But it just seems to be getting worse. He must have hurt himself in his pen. His one wing, where the blood feathers are, is flopped out away from his body. Like dangling out away from his body. Just that part of the wing. The other parts of the wing are tight to his body. He still flaps them both when he does his "look at me flap and shuffle" walk. What do I do? Since it seems to be angling out more, instead of laying down into his body, I have to do something...

Thank you
CC that is an adorable little guy!
Del I have a little du'ccle roo that is a sweetie always signaling the girls when I bring treats and he tries to dance for them they just ignore him though! :) good luck with your hatch!
Judi, I forgot to tell you, when I let your chickens out the other day I accidently let some into the yard. I hurried and put Flicka in the house and grabbed a handful of catfood as a treat to get them to go back in. They didn't seem to like that treat. So there was maybe still some on the ground.

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