Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all--looking forward to the road trip to Jim's tomorrow. I picked out the pullets to bring along for Vicki. It wasnt too hard to do...there were only 4! I sure hope my broody hatches some more or I will be getting eggs from someone else next spring!

Thanks for posting the pics Cuties...did Syd cry as much as Blake did? Poor kids. What is with bees stinging kids in the mouth anyhow? All of mine were also stung there at one point or another! You will have to watch them carefully now if they get stung again since Scott is allergic. I think it happens with the second sting...

Good that you alerted the authorities for those animals Clark!

I will check out the map BL4--perhaps we can get together. If Jim and I dont talk each other's ears off that is!

Cind, your feathers should be on their way tomorrow. I found some goodies today.

Made a chicken and rice casserole tonight. It was kinda boring but we had to eat the leftovers.

I am going to head off to bed...didnt get good sleep last night so I have my fingers crossed for tonight!
Jelinek.....Sorry about you dad.

Thanks Cindlady!

Wow, that must have been so hard to be so sure he was ok and then be was gone.. Again, so sorry. I have CML. No cure for me but the drugs are working great to keep things under control. Sweet of you to ask :hugs


Yes, very hard thinking that he is ok and my boys can grow up with their Grandfather around. Now my oldest asks for him on a daily basis.  Its been a whirlwind last month. On a positive note,  I am glad that you are able to keep things in control! That is fantastic!!  Do you get treatment in Wausau?  If so, if you don't mind me asking, who is your oncologist?

Nope! I go to the Vince Lombardi cancer center @ Aurora Baycare Green Bay. I'm fortunate that my oncologist is one of the best in the region, Dr Dihmont Patel and one of the few with extensive experience with leukemias. It's a lot farther than Wausau but worth the trip.
Here's pics of the new chickens I bought yesterday. The dark BLRW and the SS won blues and the SS won Best Of Show, I know their not that great and that is why I was disappointed at the chickens at the fair but I bought them anyhow to add to my flock. The light one has a healing head/neck injury and wasn't at the fair but is a sister to the dark one. I also think she may be blind in one eye as she turns her head weird when she walks and attempts to look at something. Both the BLRW are 7 1/2 months old. SS roo is a little over that.

I named her Ester, Is she considered a splash?

I named her Flo

Haven't named him yet.
Allergic reactions can develop at anytime or age. My whole family is allergic to poison ivy and one of these days I'm sure ill have a whopper of a reaction, but nothing to date. My daughter is horribly allergic too. My mom has a bunch of food and medicine allergies and my daughter seems to be following that trend.
Hi all!

Not much to say here, been busy still trying to find supplies at decent prices. Metal dip pen nibs is the biggest pain in the @ss to find! No one seems to have boxes/cases in the U.S. I may have to get them out of the UK! or (heaven forbid) China. Even at that with postage they may still be $1.00 or more each! I will be cutting many quills but most people don't know how to keep them cut and usable, so they would rather just get metal nib pens. I broke down and bought a bag of white sand (silicon) so I can temper the tips and do some other projects. I had some, but it seems to have gotten lost.
Oh Well.

Sorry, I didn't have time left today for responses. Night All!
Good Morning!!!!! Yup it's me. Have been told to check in. And I always do what people tell me.
I sincerely hope that all my chicken keeping friends have been well!
We've been doing pretty dang good although I could use some new body parts. Chickens have been laying very well but now suspect they have hidden nests somewhere. They count has dropped off recently. Goldie the oldest hen [5yrs] just up and disappeared the other day. She was the he/she PR hen that never layed an egg and was always in trouble with her cohort in crime B'two. Peatwo is now pulling more feathers out, still can't find any bugs on him and still think it's nerves. Babykins the other roo keeps him running when he's mounting HIS hens. It's hard enough to get sun block on him but now I'll have to try and get him in his lil wool coat complete with idiot mittens for his wings. I finally got a broody hen but it was too late in the year to let her hatch any chicks. Hope she goes again next spring. Have received some blood blisters and extra holes in the hands from taking away her eggs. The garden was a complete bust this year. It was under water 6 times sometimes for days at a time and after replanting 3 times I just said fudge it. But that's OK because I don't have time to tend it anyway. Have been occupying my days with building a 24x24x9 garage. Ya I know not big enough. The only help I've needed so far was the day we poured the floor and I had a guy put the roof on. Today is start the assembly of the overhead door. Then on to the siding then electrical and it'll be ready to transfer some of the good stuff into it. Can't wait then everything will have a home. Both tractors will be inside!
Used The Blue Mule to lift the walls cylinders aren't big enough to do a complete lift but blocked the walls up and after getting them to a certain point up they went. Am adding this to the growing I'll never do that again list. But every weekend that's been nice I've walked away from it and we've gone up Nort. We have a nice stock of walleyes in the freezer and if the weather is decent this weekend we're going again. I'll try and make the time and get on more often. I've missed you guys. Really honest.
Good Morning!!!!! Yup it's me. Have been told to check in. And I always do what people tell me.
I sincerely hope that all my chicken keeping friends have been well!
We've been doing pretty dang good although I could use some new body parts. Chickens have been laying very well but now suspect they have hidden nests somewhere. They count has dropped off recently. Goldie the oldest hen [5yrs] just up and disappeared the other day. She was the he/she PR hen that never layed an egg and was always in trouble with her cohort in crime B'two. Peatwo is now pulling more feathers out, still can't find any bugs on him and still think it's nerves. Babykins the other roo keeps him running when he's mounting HIS hens. It's hard enough to get sun block on him but now I'll have to try and get him in his lil wool coat complete with idiot mittens for his wings. I finally got a broody hen but it was too late in the year to let her hatch any chicks. Hope she goes again next spring. Have received some blood blisters and extra holes in the hands from taking away her eggs. The garden was a complete bust this year. It was under water 6 times sometimes for days at a time and after replanting 3 times I just said fudge it. But that's OK because I don't have time to tend it anyway. Have been occupying my days with building a 24x24x9 garage. Ya I know not big enough. The only help I've needed so far was the day we poured the floor and I had a guy put the roof on. Today is start the assembly of the overhead door. Then on to the siding then electrical and it'll be ready to transfer some of the good stuff into it. Can't wait then everything will have a home. Both tractors will be inside!
Used The Blue Mule to lift the walls cylinders aren't big enough to do a complete lift but blocked the walls up and after getting them to a certain point up they went. Am adding this to the growing I'll never do that again list. But every weekend that's been nice I've walked away from it and we've gone up Nort. We have a nice stock of walleyes in the freezer and if the weather is decent this weekend we're going again. I'll try and make the time and get on more often. I've missed you guys. Really honest.

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