Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

These birds line are from Greenfire (which are 100% UK imported) and Marc Sacre of Heirloom Orpingtons (100% UK imported). So I didn't have to do the importing... :-D

Sunbird farms in California is where I purchased them from.
I was wondering how they would survive the flight..... and the pain of going through customs, quarantine,...... and still get here so quick!

Expecting more pics as they get better looking butts.
Hi All!

Dr.H .... Glad to see ya!! Maybe you should get some armor for your your knuckles!

BigFam.... Yes you have some very pretty (expensive) birdies!

Harley... Love that roo shot!

TO...Happy berry making! You'll probably be picking in your dreams!

Cuties... glad the training is going well!

Jim.... Glad Ollie is back!

I know there was more but CRS for more than a few pages back!

I'm not getting all the eggs I should either! Between loosing 3 good laying hens in the last month and all the broodiness going on, I'm down quite a few eggs.
Well, I made a $122 commitment to my new business for supplies.
This better pay off! Still have things to get too. I wish I would have had this offer sooner, I might have been able to make my money back by the time the Bristol Ren Fair was over. Now I got to hope I make it back by the time the Texas one is done. That's the last fair/show until March! Oh Well, I may be able to sell some things elsewhere.

Night All!
Good Morning! FT I see ya. ODrH very nice looking IB's, sucks about the pics being stolen. Makes you wonder about the quality of their birds if they have to resort to stealing. Jim glad you got Ollie running! Cind I have some of those special protective gloves...... in the house. Big Fam sounds like you've replaced your losses with a serious project. Now I know where baby Choc orps come from. Dan sounds like your busy as ever. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate for a trip up nort this weekend.
Taking a ride to Mauston with Good Neighbor Donny in about an hour to pick up a pig for us. I ordered one with extra bacon and ribs. Think it's going to look kinda weird. Then going along tomorrow to give the cutting instuctions to the locker plant.
Was looking around yesterday, the garage must be about done I'm running out parts. After getting back will make the support brackets and string the springs. Better put some breakfast in the belly.
Nice to see you back Joe.

I finally see some ripening tomatoes..... but only two so far. The beans are just starting to bloom, carrots are looking a little spindly and so are the beets. I have gotten a few yellow squash and zucchs but not lake you would expect. Pumpkins are looking good and trying to take over their little back corner of the garden, they have traveled into the neighbors yard over the fence.

Today we find out who the new boss is I guess. Should be interesting.

Where the heck did the beach weather go?????? This is just nuts for the middle of August!
good morning, I will be leaving soon as I finish my cuppat to deliver the keets and pick up the new spark plug wires..

DrH, It's a good thing you do not have to hire someone to bang up your fingers.. It would cost you a fortune , even by the piece work.. the only reason I laughed, is because I know how it feels, but mostly because it wasn't me it happened to.. the next time I crack a knuckle, you can laugh at me..

extra bacon on a pig ? I didn't know you could order that,, sounds like you will be eating high on the hog.. pun intended..

Poor ole TerriO must have been too tired to post after she got home.. she had quite a long day..

thanks for the mentions of Ollie.. Now I can move the large brush pile I cut off of the plum tree. and can drag the unused half of the garden to knock down those weeds.. and maybe plant some late millet ..

It is cool enough to plant lettuce and peas again, eh ?

looks like i better get busy and close in the GH.. I didn't think I would have to do it this early..

Good morning!
Bigfam, lmk if you want to sell some of those eggs next year! ;-)
Drh, I will be camping out in mauston this weekend! Starting Thursday. My sis lives there! If you werent going on your trip, id say lets do a meet up!!
Jim, you must have worn terri out!!!
Cind, I am finally buying the envelope for your feathers today! Long overdue. You will probably like all the goose feathers!

I didnt lift the broody this morning. But I hear cheeping under there!!!! I can see 1 half shell out in the open :) so... at least one so far!! I instructed children; no touching today! We will see how they do.

Morning everyone :frow

Another long night with the puppy. I hope she starts showing some improvement soon. It's so hard to feel her trembling in my arms.
Wow is it COLD!!! Pretty sure the pumpkins in the field are toast :rant have to wait and see how much damage was inflicted on the gardens closer to the house, sigh.

Morning Terri :D. Wish we could had more time to visit. I love my new chickies! Haven't checked them over too close yet but I'm sure they're nice and clean. They will still get a good dust with DE before they go into their "nursery" later today. Fortunately, it's supposed to be much warmer for at least the next week. I am so excited to have these ladies. I have no plans on showing, I just wanted some quality pullets to form a solid foundation for a future flock of good Aussies. Now, all I have to do is talk my neighbor into getting a quality roo and we both will be in business ;)

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