Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Well hope you get well soon, Clark.

Nice chooks everyone, I finally got around to picks of the new chicks. I didn't get all of them, but I got some....






#5 This one has tufts under the eyes

#6 This is almost all of them


#8 Brown head

#9 same as #5 I think they are Salmon Faverolles??

And on the topic of gardens, here's my family's.

Weston, with the peas


Beans, Kholarabi, beets

Cilantro, rutabaggies, and dill, with peppers on the side

And tomatoes, none all the way ripe, pretty much like everyone else's. But they are coming...
We also have broccoli, zucchini, and cauliflower
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If you know any off the breeds, I would like to know, not very good with that stuff yet, especially since there were like 40 breeds possible.
Evening everyone,
Boy, busy day everyone???


FRENCHIE - hope your Cath goes great. Sorry you didn't join in on the Jim adventure. :hugs We weren't able to stick around anyway. Boy, I sure wish we could have. :hit

COLTON - great pics of your new little! Sorry can't help with the id's, I have no idea.


I have two more girls ( I hope ) to give names. My current girls are named as follows;
Noodle, soup, fricasee, dumpling, nugget and gravy.

Any ideas????
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Thank you Colton and VickiW. Well this didn't work like I had figured. Just had nurse get ahold of dr to tell him im going home. I have severe anxiety and dummy me forgot my meds in the cupboard this am. Will see how it goes with dr. All I seem to do is complain and make all the nurses mad at.

Well the won't let me leave. Makes how I feel even worse. Not sure if anyone has panic attacks, agoraphobia and anxiety that could relate but its not good feelings.
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Hang in tuere sclark. My mom has bad anxiety. I have had a peek at what you are feeling now. Just know it will be over soon enough. And you will return to all your chickie babies soon!! Keep posting to kep your mind off it :) were here!!
Good Afternoon All! Sclark hope the doc can give some meds to mellow you out and hope you heal quickly! Colton that is just down right mean posting chicky pics! ? Those are some cuties! Nice garden too! Cuties Mauston is about 45 min. from here would have loved to make a road trip to meet you and yourin. Congrats on the hatch! Vic hope your puppy heals up quickly too. FT things will go very well for you tomorrow. That's my prediction. Don't know what all TO got at Jim's but had she called a good friend of hers he could have picked things up on a trip up Nort either this weekend or last or 2 weeks before that. And his G'friend could have dropped them off on her frequent trips down south. But she probably wanted to yak at Jim and marvel at his Ollie. I've seen pictures but it's not the same as in person. But a good friend would have done that for her had she asked.
And TO does have some very nice BA stock the eggs I got from her produced some very nice birds unfortunately due predation I'm down to 1 roo and a hen that I still would like to breed. Cool beans on the wires Jim, that worked out well. Don't cha love it when something you didn't plan comes together. Not sure if I should ask but how's Nora/Dora and puppy doing? Cind Toby and Kissy are doing very well and pretty much whatever they dang well please. Just realized the other day their going to have a B'day next month. Toby is a very long cat and we recently found out he likes peanut butter cookies and canned mushrooms. Longest tongue I ever seen on a cat. He's long on both ends. He jumps up on my lap and nurses in the crook of my arm. He likes the Biddy. SP reference. Kissy is quite the lover but everything is on her terms. She's so small, dainty, and prissy. Prissy Kissy. Cute and she knows it. Both demand to play fetch every day. Well the 16' overhead door goes up and down real nice. Have to add the handle on the outside and safety wires and the garage door opener yet. But tomorrow is clean up day and will knock off at least the easy stuff. The instructions for the door said the rear hanger brackets weren't included so I looked and found part of a bed frame that I picked up along the road and all I had to do was drill a couple of holes and saw off the extra length, built in angle brace. Thought how cool that I saved that "good stuff". Walked in the other garage to look at the power opener and there right on top was a box with the rear hanger brackets.
I still like mine better more heavy duty.
Cuties you can take the kids to the county fair this weekend.

Dr... know a lot of the 4H kids showing & auctioning off hogs this weekend.

Canning chickens like crazy...to make room in the freezer if we are high bid on one of them.
Also have a batch of broilers I need to make room for.
Thanks Cuties and dr, they've known since I got here this am that I forgot my zanax and won't give me something. Makes me upset besides the fact that the nurse that I had tried 5x to put in the IV before getting another who ended up doing this to me(pic)
She pierced the vein but never made it in and the fluids had been filling up under my skin. Getting a really nice bruise now, and I see whomever put the IV in left hand took a couple tries before they got it as I have 2 wads of gauze taped down on each side of the IV. I bet they can't wait for me to leave in am, I don't hold much back when it comes to my care.
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