Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Brr..cold out again this morning..I did a mad dash to let them all out..I need to get some cloths on to feed them in a little bit..PJS was not a good decision this morning..BRRRRRR

I broke down and turned on the heat..I need to thaw out a bit before I get my hinny back out.
Joe just called and wants to delay coming home..that means delay getting my bird from Terri..she has a busy day today. GRRRR.
I do not mind him delaying coming home..just getting my bird..lol

My prayers go out to Robert Blosl and his family

The poultry world lost a great advocate.
I agree it's chilly out this morning. Kinda chilly in here at cheeseheads this morning too. I will leave that to Terri as she is a big kid and can take care of herself.

I'm gonna jinx myself and say I am still getting 9-10 eggs a day as my pullets are starting to lay regularly. I am sure some of them are molting as I see many places where tail feathers used to be, but some of these older girls must being trying to keep up with the young ones out of pride or spite.
FG - food grade.

Not at home right now, watching youngest DS at a taekwondo tournament. I'll post my kraut instructions tomorrow sine I have no time to do it today! :)
Nice to see a couple of you that were missed here! No need to lurk Jim, I missed you!

Jim is finally back!
I missed ya here too.

So Jim, how was your soup last night? I'm betting on delish!

Bigz, so sorry I forgot to say thank you for the anni wishes.

Now we just need DrH & Dan, although there are many still missing. C'mon people! Let's chat chicken, cuz that's what we do best.
I only do broilers. To many friends with layers & unable to cull/butcher a chicken.
So mostly I lurk in here & the meat bird forum.

A lot of great folks. and I have learned a great deal.

Just have to remember its a forum. If you feel the same way the next day...then post away.

Trust me..as a meat eater who likes to grow or hunt his meal, I've developed a tough hide from all the shots taken.

I swear the only reason I lurk in here is to hear a little wisdom from Jim.

Now if someone can explain to me this craze of having pet rabbits.........................soon I'll be in the woods listening to the beagles sing.
Hi! I broke down...I got the wood stove going! I am in heaven....I am glad that I redid the LR and put my chair closest to the stove! LOL!
MOved birds around today so I will have less pens to feed and water tomorrow--good thing.

Deli's Joe was here to get a blue Am. Embarrassed that he is so scruffy--that time of year I guess!

Nice to see you JIm and Denise!

Good night and sleep tight all! TerriO
Thank you Terri for the AM..he is fine..and looks good to me..I have more than my fair share of naked birds right now and a coop full of feathers. They make him look stunning..He has a nice body on him and I will take a better look at him in the morning. Thank you so much..He is needed! My girls will have hatchable eggs in a month or so.

I am glad it is a little bit colder so the feathers grow faster. It is wonderful to see that lacing coming back in on the blue birds..the sun just strips out all of the pretty lacing off the blues.

I have a stupid broody..rediculas.
Yup We're still alive here. Hope you all are too! Those who aren't raise your hands. Been busier than H. Set a new record for trips up Nort this year and am going to set a new one next year. Have brought home fish every trip. Only getting 1-3 eggs a day lots of moulting going on. Plenty of feather insulation in the coop. Still healing up from putting a steel roof on the camper mind says I'm a young man body says otherwise. Helped the BFF cut up a fork horn yesterday that he double lunged out behind the house on Fri, on his Bday. So he's a happy boy. Think things are going to slow down a bit for me but then I remember that I have a lot of remodeling on the inside to do. But in my own sweet dang time.
WOW just read back a couple of pages. Jim your response was so true! WAY too much drama for me have enough in my life. [BBSD] Be Back Some Day.

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