Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Tomorrow the Christmas kittens go in to the vet. Just in time too! The lady I got them from wormed them the day before I picked them up, and it was a good thing too. Today Jinx (who has had a boated belly) was not feeling well. Poor baby barfed up roundworms. As gross as that is, I am glad she has something we can treat, I was beginning to think she might have FIP; NOT something I ever want to deal with......

Anyway...... this is the same vet office that had an employee tell the former owner of Dexter to put him down. It should be an interesting visit.

On a happier note, Dexter is doing GREAT! He is already up for adoption! I bet somebody snatches him up pretty quickly! He is the very last dog listed.


I have a pic for BigFam that I need to post, but I am on the laptop and the pic is on my phone so I will have to just make another post....

I thought I would share a photo of my imprinted goose, and her only baby. She was an absolute joy to be around, and I miss her terribly. Some day I WILL have geese again.......

I'm so very sorry or your loss, John. Our pets are so much a part of our family and impossible to replace in our hearts. XOXO
x10! Many hugs for you, your DD and the rest of your fam, JJ. That is heartbreaking on its own, but to happen on a major holiday just stinks.

Awww, poor baby kitty, Mel. Yikes, I hope she isn't all blocked up with them. She is such a darling lil plumper. I hope she is all better for you real soon.
good cold as heII evening,,

the heater in the chicken coop acted like it was not putting out any heat.. I cleaned the caked up dust from the intake grill, thumped it a bit on the shelf and the fan started up again.. back in business..

If you don't have to go outside, it isn't so bad.. none of the birds made a dash for freedom today.. I wonder why ??

there was a bit of ice in the tray around the waterer this morning, but the water in the jug was still liquid..

-10* F below , but the geese still enjoyed their baths ..

both dogs don't seem to notice the cold.. but they don't refuse to come inside if invited ..

hang in there ,, the days are getting longer, and the sun is moving back up Nort...

Hahaha cold as hell evening! Funny jim.

Well, finally put the water heater in the coop. Before we were just refilling the bucket a few times a day. The ducks got all of the water all over the floor. Darn ducks! Maybe we will need to elevate the water with a roost. I see another project for hubby! The ducks can continue to be spoiled and have their heated pond. It id funny to watch them tuck their feet after a swim. I first thought they had frostbite! But realised that is how they keep warm :)
Ammo (gsp) sits with his head stuckn in the cat door now that it is so cold.

Bbl4 glad the kitty is going to be ok. Good luck with the vet :-/
Hi All!

We are cold but not frozen... yet. That wood stove is at one end of the house and we have to use fans to get it in the living areas. I wish we would have gotten that one from Dr.Ha (Joe) in, but "the boys" bickered so much about where to put it, in never got in!

Glad the kitty just had a bad case of the worms. At least that can be fixed.

I have one stupid rooster that doesn't want to go in at night. I think he already is going to go from a full comb to a pea comb. I can't seem to catch him either. He survived last night but when I closed up tonight (with him on the roof) I told him I'll see him for dinner soon. If the plucker had been done on schedule he'd have been in the freezer already.

Hummm... made over 2qts. of veggie soup and grilled cheese for supper. I just went to get another bowl and it's all gone! How can 2 men eat that much soup? I had maybe 10oz out of it.

Guess that's it.... Stay warm! Night All!
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Hi All!

We are cold but not frozen... yet. That wood stove is at one end of the house and we have to use fans to get it in the living areas. I wish we would have gotten that one from Dr.Ha (Joe) in, but "the boys" bickered so much about where to put it, in never got in!

Glad the kitty just had a bad case of the worms. At least that can be fixed.

I have one stupid rooster that doesn't want to go in at night. I think he already is going to go from a full comb to a pea comb. I can't seem to catch him either. He survived last night but when I closed up tonight (with him on the roof) I told him I'll see him for dinner soon. If the plucker had been done on schedule he'd have been in the freezer already.

Hummm... made over 2qts. of veggie soup and grilled cheese for supper. I just went to get another bowl and it's all gone! How can 2 men eat that much soup? I had maybe 10oz out of it.

Guess that's it.... Stay warm! Night All!
Cind, now is when you get on the boys' case.. tell them, are you enjoying the cold in the house? If you would have put that stove in it would be nice and toasty in here right now.. and on and on and on..
I have been trying to find a seeder for small quantities of small seeds..(carrot)

I found one that looks promising,, a Wolf River seeder.. however it is from the UK and I don't know anything about the cost in English pounds .

I am going to make seed tapes and I just want something to space the seeds with..

any ideas ? I know how to make the tapes,, I just want a tool for spacing the seeds..

don't force me to invent one, because I will try ..
I already have an idea floating in my head..

Good End of the Year Day Morning! I see new people as well as old friends on here.
JJ sorry to hear about the fam pet dying, hard for youngins to understand. Hope everyone can get those mites under control! Cind did your son get that stove fixed up? Maybe next year they can get it installed. Kissy and Toby are the biggest spoiled baby's ever. If I even just go outside they both scream that I'm gone forever. The hens went through a heavy molt and are just now starting to lay again. Sadly I lost Peatwo a couple of months ago. But still have B'two for a continuation of the lines. Babykins the BA roo had no problem taking over the reigns. I hatched him from one of TO's eggs and hope to get some of his offspring this coming spring. He really filled out nice this fall and now that Peatwo is gone he should grow back his tail feathers. Had 20brrlow yesterday morning and only -1 this morning, and the days are getting longer. Springs a commin! Can just see Jim in his his new night clothes. BL4 good luck with the kittens! Bigz good job on saving that hen! Cuties that has to be a pic, that duck warming his ears through the cat door. Have to bring in some wood and do chicken chores.
good morbrrrning,

I am having a nice cuppa before I go out to see the birds..

I just checked the weather online for Wausau,, -6* right now, this cold is supposed to be around at least until next Tuesday..

It is an old saying that Feb 26 is the turning point and the temps will gradually go up..

There is a pot luck party tonight,, IDK if I want to go.. right now I don't, but maybe I will change my mind by tonight ..


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