Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I put both of the chicks down. They were both suffering. The wry neck one had something more than that wrong with it. It had blood coming out if its nostrils. I'll have to call the hatchery on Monday and get credit.
Finally made it through the woods today. The snow has given up it's winter hold for the most part. I was so at peace today in the heavenly woods....dang that felt good to be there again.
I'm ready for the spring turkey season...hope some made it through the tough winter....I've heard quite a few reports that some of the less than the strongest didn't make it through....mother nature can really be cruel at times.
Maybe it might be a good idea to forgo the hunt this season/year so the strongest have a chance to spread their genes on to future generations?
It is just a thought.................. Don't hurt me...............

Very nice deal you got on the bag of reds, Bigz. I wish I could have gotten some. We love our spuds here.

Yes, cs, how is Simon? Better, I hope?
I hope your neighbors are ok also.

We took a few of the roos with the longest spurs out of the coop last night. Hopefully that will help keep any more hens from getting injured. The girls are doing well, thankfully. We're getting 18 eggs a day now. Whoo-hoo!

Not much else new. Hope you got to enjoy the warm, yet cloudy, day. It is going to be changing soon.
Hi! I am in NW WI near hudson. I am starting a new flock of Marans (in the brooder at 3 weeks old), Ameraucanas and olive eggers (both in the bator due to hatch in a week!!). This is my first incubation ever. Hope to get a few barred rocks and silver and gold wyondottes. I found someone in Woodville that has Ameraucanas (not the 'bad' seller of woodville!). If my hatching does not turn out, I will get some chicks from her. Nice to meet some more chicken lovers from the frozen tundra!
That "don't hurt me" in little, tiny letters made me laugh!
I wish I could take credit for being that witty, but I stole it from Irish.
I wonder where she has been? Maybe busy at her store. I miss her. I am glad it made you laugh. So sorry about the chicks, but you did the right thing. Kudos to you for taking on that burden.

and to the Cheesehead thread, D4WN! Good luck on your hatch, and don't be afraid to ask questions. We don't bite. Most of us, anyway.....................

I forgot to mention, the new kitties are doing great! They are settling in very nicely. The chubby one has quite the attitude towards our cats but is slowly calming down and has lost a tiny bit of weight.
The tiny one is a huge terrorist and has made friends with the boys. They all love to wrestle together, and she can really hold her own against those big bruisers.
Actually, the boys are very gentle with her, but she takes them on full throttle.
I put both of the chicks down. They were both suffering. The wry neck one had something more than that wrong with it. It had blood coming out if its nostrils. I'll have to call the hatchery on Monday and get credit
good animal husbandry practice
Quote: how come you don't remove the spurs?

Or eat the boys?

I have one LF Chocolate out of the egg..two more to go. (I only got 4 fertile chocolate eggs)
3 BLR out
1 BBS out and 6 more to go..than i am done till Easter Hatch.

I need to take pictures of all the new chicks
I have Jubilees
Red Cuckoo
Blue Cuckoo
one Spangle
Hi!  I am in NW WI near hudson.  I am starting a new flock of Marans (in the brooder at 3 weeks old), Ameraucanas and olive eggers (both in the bator due to hatch in a week!!).  This is my first incubation ever.  Hope to get a few barred rocks and silver and gold wyondottes.  I found someone in Woodville that has Ameraucanas (not the 'bad' seller of woodville!).  If my hatching does not turn out, I will get some chicks from her.  Nice to meet some more chicken lovers from the frozen tundra!

Speaking of the bad seller, the state notified us yesterday that they will be doing an inspection of her "hatchery". Also, her flock is not tested! She is a certified tester, but she does not have tested birds. Pretty sure she advertised that she was and she should be with the amount of birds she sells.
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Hi! I am in NW WI near hudson. I am starting a new flock of Marans (in the brooder at 3 weeks old), Ameraucanas and olive eggers (both in the bator due to hatch in a week!!). This is my first incubation ever. Hope to get a few barred rocks and silver and gold wyondottes. I found someone in Woodville that has Ameraucanas (not the 'bad' seller of woodville!). If my hatching does not turn out, I will get some chicks from her. Nice to meet some more chicken lovers from the frozen tundra!
Welcome to the group!!
Irish was on a trip! She should be back now, I hope she posts some pictures!

Dinner was great, poor DH outnumbered by motor mouths...... We still had a good time!

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