Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

HI All!

bbp...Yes, have her I.E.P. tested. They can usually pin down a problem. 2 of my boys are dyslexic and got extra help but were "main streamed" for their classes. They did a lot better.

T.O.... sorry about your torti.

5 keets left, I don't think the turkeys can get to them anymore.

Night All!
Please help.....I have two roosters with 14 hens. Only this one hen is having this issue with my Buff rooster. The other rooster being an amereraucana. Both only over a year old. Please see pic. Poor girl is just getting scalped. I have healed her and attempted to monitor the mating conditions...doesn't work. She knows to run to me when they come running for her but I cannot be outside all the time. Went grocery shopping and came home to this. I'm tired of it. She is a sweet hen and I would rather get rid of that **** rooster or eat him. Please please help. Thank you for all your input. Gwen
So, now I just realized it isn't the buff it is the amereraucana! He is great wi th the other hens just not this one Dominique. And she runs to me like, momma save me. Urrrr...I hate doing this to my flock as I have o th er issues going on. My beautiful female royal palm got into trouble and got her foot stuck yesterday and flung around hitting her head and ended up beaten and bloody. And now she is quarantined. So of course she is crying for her mate and I can't release her becuz of my other tom who suddenly wants to peak her. Huge sigh. CALGON!!!

Thank God my turkey is doing better but of course it is always something. So, do I offer this rooster to someone else as he isn't this way to all hens or just put a cap in his a#%? And thx for being my support.
Again, I have never met anyone here but you are all here when I have ever needed you which means truly the world to me. Thank you. I can't say I can answer all questions but if it comes to horses, Harleys, or mouthy children .....I'm an expert. ;)
Well finally made the decision this morning and Rudy is now if doggy Heaven. So now I'm looking for a new dog, I need one here to watch over the place and keep my birds safe. Crappy thing to have to do as because of some jerk took his life from him.

I have Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Bantam eggs coming to try and hatch along with some White Faced Black Spanish and Ameracaunas. Will have to see just how bad this shipping eggs hatch rate is like most all people say.
I just love when my coop is clean and has a nice, fresh layer in quality straw on the floor. I think the birds appreciate it too. Especially the ducks. I use shavings in the summer and straw in the winter. And I don't use the deep litter method. I don't need my ducks sitting in that all night. Tomorrow I have the day off of work so I can finish getting everything ready for winter. I hope to find homes for a few more roosters before the snow sticks. I have 4 that won't even go in the coop at night.

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