Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

She has been in special classes since kindergarten. Unfortunately, they were pulling her out of her cursive class to work on extra reading. So now she won't know how to do that. I know a lot of schools aren't even teaching that anymore, but I think it's important. I worry because she was born a week late but still was only 6lbs 7oz. (My son was 8lbs 16oz) The midwife also sent the placenta off for testing because it was very small and pale. But she said the results came back normal. Even though she seemed skeptical of those results. Maybe something just isn't right there, like lack of oxygen while in the womb, or nutrients maybe? It did eat a lot of nitrates/nitrites when I was pregnant. Maybe that had an effect?

I too have a brilliant daughter and yet a son who continually struggles. We have been Through the IEP program at school and of course I was expecting these remarkable results yet this has been the worst year ever. Doctors are very reluctant about putting him on any meds before putting him thru psychiatric evaluation and of course not one psychiatrist works out. He continually lies, lies, and lies some more. Won't turn in work yet finishes it. Or doesn't do it at all and has absolutely no explanation. Ugh! We have taken everything, no outside, to your room after school, no TV, no friends......nothing works. Lies again. He is 11 going on 12. What gives?! So, if it helps my dear, you are not alone. Hugs!
And don't beat yourself up over what you did and didn't do. Omg, there are completely healthy children among parents who continually use, drink, smoke, etc. You cannot ponder on such thoughts.
Let my girl out to run with her man for a short time tonight. Was so sad listening to her cry in the kennel all day. She was so tickled to be free range again. Put up the grey slate so she was free from bullies. Norman was so happy his girl was out. =) Poor girl looks like she just came out of the turkey hen domestic violence shelter.

I am not going to go into this very far,, our grandson was such a child,, they put him on meds.. made a zombie out of him,, we took him on when he was just in 4th grade,, I took him off all meds. the teachers did not like me at all,, tough s--t.. he went to special schooling with several other kids.. they all graduated high school,, most of them have jobs and are "normal" ..

there is no such thing as a smart pill,,

all kids are not created equal, don't compare your bright kids against the less bright.. they all have a niche .. find it..

Jim, they have much better meds for ADD/ADHD now, they are not perfect for everyone and sometimes not needed. We went through a few before we found one that we both agreed on.

All kids are different, everyone learns in their own way, there is not a one size fits all approach. I suggested the psycologist since that was what my daughter's neurologist had us do to determine if she had any learning issues.
I completely agree and a bit with both. I don't compare my children but times have also changed in regards to treatment AND diagnosing. Along with what one physician says another contradicts. It's finding someone you and your child are comfortable with. Not an easy process..trust me.
I'll be spending 1-2 hrs a night with her reading and letting her play educational games on the computer. We're also playing games as a family (like Uno) and having her add up her scores. I don't even take my kids to the doctor. We don't have insurance. Taking her in to see of she needs meds to focus would be an absolute last resort. I don't believe in messing with the chemicals in a developing brain. It's just frustrating. She's so sweet, creative and motivated. But these simple lessons just aren't sinking in. She doesn't retain things that she's supposed to be learning. We're going to try real hard. We have used hooked on phonics in the past to get her caught up. Guess we should have continued.
I'm also considering hiring a tutor. If there were a private school around here I would probably send her there, but there isn't. She's just always been behind. She never crawled, she was slow to start talking and she had speech problems. But she got over that on her own.
Gwen, put that roo down. I am not normally one to recommend that. But if I had one that treated the girls that way I would. Don't pass him to someone else. It is hard for me to tell on the phone. But did you load the poults head up with blue coat? It will help the healing.
Stacy, so sorry to hear about Rudy :,(
Gwen, put that roo down. I am not normally one to recommend that. But if I had one that treated the girls that way I would. Don't pass him to someone else. It is hard for me to tell on the phone. But did you load the poults head up with blue coat? It will help the healing.
Stacy, so sorry to hear about Rudy :,(
x2 If that boy is capable of doing that to one of your hens, he will more than likely do it to someone elses. He needs to make a date with freezer camp.

Staci, I am sorry about your dog.

Only got 3 eggs today.

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