Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

So sorry about Rudy.

Well, when I closed up the coop I still had 5 keets.... but she moved them

Night All!
Thanks girls: wanted to show you a pic again just to remember him. It was a hard thing to do but it was a good choice, he was 20lbs and wasn't gaining weight. The insulin didn't seem to be working no matter how much we tried to regulate it.

I spoke with the DA yesterday about Rudy and how do I set a price on his life for the papers to submit and she said to state just that. Rudy was the best dog I've ever had so the standards of getting another one are going to be very high. But, I need a dog here to help keep critters away from my flock, my toy Bichon just won't cut that job.

Yvette, I think you are starting in a good place working with her. Maybe print off some things to hang on the wall for her to use as reference so she can see them anytime? Just a suggestion. My oldest son was one medication, he really did need it. He had severe anger issues along with his learning disability. The school wanted him so doped up so they didn't have to deal with anything. I kept him at a very minimum as to keep his aggression down but still able to function. My oldest daughter had issues like you are stating but she had no behavioral issues and the school wanted her on meds also, I refused. Medicating her just wasn't an option. Tasia was so smart she could look at something and know the answer without any work. Now Tyler he's a very good kid, just not a book smart kid and here that's all they want is book smart. And Ethan is very smart, just no drive to care about school. I'd rather see him be able to do things hands on than by a book.Many teachers we have now aren't willing to spend the extra time to help the kids that aren't as advanced. A few years ago we even had one here that kicked out 18 kids from Math and Science as he stated, "If your not an A student, your not worth my time teaching." Needless to say their were 18 p/o'd parents going to the school and he no longer teaches. The kicker was he was only in his 20's to think that way about teaching, I don't get it.
Off to Cassville today. My DH's uncle passed away on Sunday so we are doing the marathon drive down and back today. Going to wave at BigFam on our way through.

Loving the lunar eclipse right now!
Off to Cassville today. My DH's uncle passed away on Sunday so we are doing the marathon drive down and back today. Going to wave at BigFam on our way through.

Loving the lunar eclipse right now!

sorry about your DH's uncle.

my 2 boys were up at 4:15 am to watch it- DS(12) is studying about the moon in school- guess my mom was up watching the moon for awhile with them

have to finish moving a few birds around this morning so I can finish cleaning up the area.

so far we hatched out 28 coturnix quail from the 41 eggs that were due so far- have another 22 eggs left due to hatch by Friday.

best get moving- have a good one
Morning all
was neat to have a clear sky and watch the lunar eclipse this morning.

H&R: very timely for your 12 year old, it's one thing to sit in the classroom and learn about such things, but to be able to experience it is the best!

Well many of us seam to be in the same boat when it comes to egg production. Looks like there has been a major pillow fight under our row of pine trees, which is where the birds have been spending most of there time lately due to the raptor migration. We lost one of our little bantams to what we are pretty sure was a hawk. Little Blue, she is the one that hatched out four chicks just recently and was featured in this Cluck the Chicken Store blog post http://cluckthechickenstore.com/it-takes-village-raise-chicken the three remaining bantams are now confined to their covered run.

I thought I'd share a pick of our RIR rooster. He is one of the four that Kristp hatched for us, she pegged him as a roo the day after the hatch . . . good eye Kristi

Thanks girls: wanted to show you a pic again just to remember him. It was a hard thing to do but it was a good choice, he was 20lbs and wasn't gaining weight. The insulin didn't seem to be working no matter how much we tried to regulate it.

I spoke with the DA yesterday about Rudy and how do I set a price on his life for the papers to submit and she said to state just that. Rudy was the best dog I've ever had so the standards of getting another one are going to be very high. But, I need a dog here to help keep critters away from my flock, my toy Bichon just won't cut that job.

So very sad, was such a beautiful dog
My question is this: if your dog was not on your property when it was shot, how can you file a claim for anything?
It a claim for the charges that were filed against the man who shot him. I'm not going to get into no big argument over this. If my dog had been attacking them or their animals, by all means shoot him as I wouldn't want a dog like that around my family in the first place. This instance the kids and dog went down to the river just over a mile away and he wandered into the mans yard and he without warning shot him. His words were, "I pay taxes and it's not my dog". For whatever you want to take it, the situation wasn't properly handled in any way.
sclark so sorry about your dog, that is horrible. :(

haven't been on in forever....

our first time broody hatched out 4 of 4 eggs, woohoo! all doing good, will post a pic, also a pic of my son's new roo Jewel, wondering what type he is?? he is ginormous compared to our little silkies, he jumps off the roost in the coop and makes this huge THUMP, it's almost commical. lol


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