Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Gwen, put that roo down. I am not normally one to recommend that. But if I had one that treated the girls that way I would. Don't pass him to someone else. It is hard for me to tell on the phone. But did you load the poults head up with blue coat? It will help the healing.
Stacy, so sorry to hear about Rudy :,(

Omg, sorry just saw this....haven't passed them on and yes covered my girl in Blu coat along with my lovely fingers. Lol. She is doing much better. I have the 2 boys locked away but trying to get a clutch of eggs for a broody hen before I Henry the 8th them. But ty ty for ur input. I hate doing it but guess that's the answer. Why only this hen....I don't get it. Maybe she is tender headed. Sorry, that wasn't funny. But seriously, ikd. =) thx for ur help. Beer butt chicken anyone?!
Well here's what I got done yesterday on the coop, didn't finish like I had planned. I beat up my hands to much in the past few days. It occured to me that I was selling my Buff Orpington breeding flock and a few others and I have the BLRW coop partitioned for young stock so put the Speckled Sussex in there for the night. I hope to at least get it finished before snow flies. Getting ready for the Neillsville swap in a few hours to take the rest of what I'm cleaning out to sell. I only have about 15 chicks left from 2 weeks to 2 months along with 1 Lavender Guinea Keet. Making room for my next addition, after I get home from swap I'm heading to go look at some SQ White Wyandottes for a breeding flock along with a few other Wyandotte breeders.





Also here's pics of the new BLRW cockerels that will be here on the 17th.

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Hi All!

Yep Jim, not holding out much hope for the surviving keets. I was surprised when she brought them to the coop. Have to wonder how many she hatched.

Nothing else new.... night all.
Rberry..... when is that Ren. Fair?

Cindlady here is the FB link https://www.facebook.com/AGatheringofRoguesandRuffians as Eagleeye posted it's goinging on today and tomorrow. Are you thinking of attending? If so, you will practially go by my place and I'll be around pretty much all day. I'll PM you my phone # and address.
Did you see any "spotted cows"?
Hmm . . . a few "spotted cows" and plenty of "two women". Would they be the milk maids???

I have one in my hand right now..
Now you just need to have "two women" in the other hand.
, looking to be a nice day outside, I should probably get out there and get something done before DS(12) plays soccer today!

Well it's kind of a bittersweet day today- my parents are on their way back home to their house. Happy because my dad has improved enough that they can go back home but there is also the concern for them.....keeping my fingers crossed that they will be good!

Working on cleaning up pens and such so I best get going.

Enjoy the great day!
Well, chicken is what's for dinner tonight. Read all night on how to make a hen broody since I have been saving up eggs before the massacre and I came out this morning and guess what? My one hens is all fat and sassy and sitting on the eggs. Woo hoo. So excited.
Well, chicken is what's for dinner tonight. Read all night on how to make a hen broody since I have been saving up eggs before the massacre and I came out this morning and guess what? My one hens is all fat and sassy and sitting on the eggs. Woo hoo. So excited.
How fun - this hen looks like our Black Australorps, what is she?
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