Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Today we have the excavator out again. Yesterday he pulled all of the tree stumps. Today he's moving the pig house and adding sand/leveling the ground for the pad. It's going to be a 30 x 36 chicken coop, I mean garage. lol I will have an insulated brooder room in the back. Probably 8 x 10. Jon keeps threatening to have barn board stamped concrete put in. Just because I think having concrete that looks like wood is ridiculous. I will definitely take pictures if he does. We're still at a standstill about what do do with the Lilac Tree in the front of the picture. I do not want it killed. I may hire someone with a tree spade to come move it.
November To All...Dang Winter is near the back door again already.

No wind here today H&R ...hope your bon -fire party was a hit with all.

That will be a nice building for sure when it's done bbp. I think I would save the lilac too. Nice pic o the deer...thanks for sharing it.

Off to start a fire....that time of day.

Well, the barn is almost winterised. And many of the leaves are raked. And lots of the toy room is gone through. Busy day. The breeder pens are almost all set back up. Because I remember how cold that was to do last winter. And it will be nice to just have to move chickens when the time comes.
Cs, hope all is well. Thinking of you lately.
One of the Siamese got a taste of freedom. And now it is nearly impossible to go in or out without having to catch her. She is relentless.
Oh, luts I did check cl for sussex. But all I found was wanted ads. Maybe chech the thread on BYC. Maybe there is a chance someone in your area would have some. Or could ship :)
good evening,

not much happening around here,, not that there is nothing to do,,
I did hook up the back blade onto Ollie and I did scrape the heII off of the driveway,, It looks pretty good.. got all of the pot holes filled .. now if it doesn't rain a lot before freeze up I should be good for snow plowing..

had one response for my young chicken ad on craigs list.. turned out to be a friend from Plainfield.
i did not have what he wanted.. but it was nice to hear from him.. I bought hatching eggs from him a few times over the years..

nice night for a wood fire in the stove.. enjoy it, those of you who have them,,

we still have snow in the shadows.. I think it is here to stay..
Hi everyone I got another question for ya today!

I'm just so stuck on sexing my lil EE chick and I was wondering if any of you could hell me out? And here he/she is...

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