Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good packerless afternoon,

well, I accomplished my mission.. I am now chickenless..

I just sold the last 8 that I had.. made enough $$$$ to buy feed for whatever I have left for all winter,,
ie, 1 rooster, one tom turkey, 3 geese and about 35 guineas..
still have an ad for guineas on craigs list..

I was sort of planning on going fishing one more time, but the sun went behind the clouds and the temp dropped about 15 degrees.. If I was already at the lake, I would have stayed, but I am not going to GO when it is this cold..
I will just have to wait for the lakes to freeze over, now..

Yep, Packerless Sunday...with the time change, I'll need to go hunting a hour earlier....it will be nice to eat supper at a reasonable time though. It make sleeping harder when I eat so late.

Nothing new here. I took a day off from cutting wood. When I'm done I'll have over 30 face cords. The file has been busy on my saw. I'll be happy when I can sit back and look at the rows of wood.

Go Redskins....the Vikes are cheating like usual....that was a interseption, and they should have 0 points...the cheaters.... LOL!

Thanks everyone for the advice! But sadly I will never find out the gender because just about 20 minutes ago I was walking up the trail from my woods and I saw a hawk eating something in the opening and low and behold it was the little EE chick! :( I scared it away and it was fresh just about 5 minutes. It's weird because the chicks mother has gone missing as well. Hopefully she just got scared off and will comeback but I've looked everywhere :(
Is it legal to shoot a hawk in Wisconsin? Because this little s*** already got 3 of my ee chicks and 2 of my RIR Pullets oh and not to mention the countless pigeons!!!
Thanks everyone for the advice! But sadly I will never find out the gender because just about 20 minutes ago I was walking up the trail from my woods and I saw a hawk eating something in the opening and low and behold it was the little EE chick!
I scared it away and it was fresh just about 5 minutes. It's weird because the chicks mother has gone missing as well. Hopefully she just got scared off and will comeback but I've looked everywhere

Is it legal to shoot a hawk in Wisconsin? Because this little s*** already got 3 of my ee chicks and 2 of my RIR Pullets oh and not to mention the countless pigeons!!!
it is not legal,, ever hear of S.S.S. ? Shoot, Shovel, Shut up....

The pad and the hole we mined it from. lol We were too cheap to pay for it so just dug it on our property.

Update on the chicken killing dog. One of the old timers from the sheriff's dept. came out and said the way it has been handled is bull. He issued her a citation and said I should sue her in small claims. :) He also said she will probably go up to the office and tell everyone what he's done and talk bad about him, but he doesn't care. (she is the ex-wife of one of the deputies).
Fuxzi.... sorry about your birds.... hawks seem to take a lot.

Jim.... What are you going to do with so few birds?

Well, this changes what may have happen to the turkeys and why we haven't seen a sign of the the coyote this week..... look what got hit about a mile from our house......
Lutz: I have another person wanting SS so I'm setting all the eggs I can from now out to 2 weeks for chicks. Unless you are the other person on FB talking to me also for chicks?? He didn't say how many he wanted but I currently have 7 in bator and should be another couple dozen when I set. I'm low right now with only one hen laying and the 3 pullets I kept to grow out just won't be ready for another few months.
good evening,

Cind, IDK what I will do with hardly no birds, but I do know that what I won't do is mess around with frozen water and frozen eggs .. and I plan on doing some ice fishing..

Annie suggested that I get a part time job .. Here I am,, trying to get lazy and people don't want to let me..

I can't stand to watch the Patriots beating up the Broncos any more.. what a one sided game..

too bad that cat got hit,,


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