Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good Packerless Super Bowl Sunday,

I am not looking forward to the game at all..
I hope something interesting comes up to do instead.

I bought a used jointer yesterday,, going to recondition it and build a stand for it, and then resell it.
I think it is a Sears & Roebuck light duty model.. looks quite old.. but in really good shape..
I have to go online and see if I can find some specs for it .. there are only a couple of serial numbers on a couple of parts on it.. not much to go on..

It is a good thing people like us have kids when we are young,, If we had them at my age, we would drown them at birth..

Thanks guys...hoping the nephew gets better soon. Driving down tommilwaukee every other weekend is getting old too.

Ok dd is on board wanting to hatch. We are trying to think of a good science fair project with the chickens... We did a hatch last year but it was so early it was not great. Proved why moms doms better job than incubator( so many things we have to look at that she does with nature)

Any ideas? Ordered my seeds so have the planting bug now!!
Thanks guys...hoping the nephew gets better soon. Driving down tommilwaukee every other weekend is getting old too.

Ok dd is on board wanting to hatch. We are trying to think of a good science fair project with the chickens... We did a hatch last year but it was so early it was not great. Proved why moms doms better job than incubator( so many things we have to look at that she does with nature)

Any ideas? Ordered my seeds so have the planting bug now!!

kristip- Hope your nephew gets better soon- I hear you on having to drive back and forth
Let me know if you need hatching eggs, we will have them!

BL4- good luck with the job- hope you get it!

still snowing here- already have about 5 inches of snow- DH was out once already opening up some of the places that we have to do snow removal for. He will go out again once the snow has stopped.

kids are working on homework- hope they finish soon as I told them no tv until done....yep being mean today
MVP...Rodgers has to watch the game instead of playing...I'm still in a fowl mood over that loss.

Again good luck with the job hunt bl4....

Hope you get the splitter going soon Cind...Nice to have the backup oil in case you can't be home in the future....kinda like money in the bank if you can save it.

Nice that the snow went south by you H&R...we only have a dusting this time around, but still prolly 8 inches on the ground.

Cold day everybody.

Didn't get any snow, just a few lost flakes trying to tumble down. Still plenty of frozen/icy snow on the ground tho.

Brat is here
so the guys zap continuously thru the channels (we all are not into football at all here) to at least watch something. I know my nephew is glued to the TV in Europe tho! Tomorrow the brat will get his cracked windshield fixed and in the evening get outta here again to be OTR on Tuesday early.

At least they got some more slabs and are cutting those now, bringing it in (with interruptions of the chimney falling off and smoking up the house)
and clearing a section of pine trees at the beginning of the driveway. They plan on putting a 4 car garage/barn there. Oh goodie... And where do they think to get that money?! No clue...

Not liking the cold and wind much, so just hoping that cold blast will go through quick this week and get the 30's back. Yea, I slowly got enough of Father Frost and winter too.

Nothing else new here, but trying to stay smoke free and somewhat warm. So later all!
I rehomed 4 roosters this morning. I'm happy to have them gone, hope they are treated well at their new home. I even gave away my Black English Orp. He was just getting too picked on here. So, my only orpington rooster is the jubilee. He'll be very happy to have his own hens. I can separate them into a breeding pen now :) Also, I've got some bantam cochin (lemon blue project) eggs in the incubator. I need to find a new home for this Sulcata tortoise so I can have my laundry room counter back to put my incubators on.



The only ones brave enough to join me outside for chores. One nice thing with all the drifting is it made a nice spot in front of the coop for the ducks. The chickens want nothing to do with this snowy nightmare :) now we'll get ready for the game...though I can't say I want to root for either team.

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