Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


Good morning!
Good Morning to you'all too. Good news about the splitter Cind. I think you will enjoy the electric start.

I had to open the front door yesterday. I guess I shoulda just let the fire go out instead of throwing 3 more pieces in...when it hit 81 in the house, the front door went open to cool er done in here.

Oh. Cheese. And. Rice.

I just received word from a friend who volunteers at HAWS in Waukesha, that HAWS is flooded with chickens. An elderly crazy chicken lady was found dead in her house full of chickens.

I don't know all the details, but I'm **** sure that by the time the neighbors figured out she was missing and went to check on her, the corpse was no longer intact and unblemished. Sigh. Nature will take its grim course. A chicken's gotta eat.

Oh, my! How terrible!
Calling for snow tomorrow. It is perfectly clear out now, but who knows? Today was GORGEOUS! Sunny and clear, but still too cold to ride, not to mention all the ice. Last time I went out my horse went wonky and fell on me.

I can't wait for it to get warm again. I am getting eager to get outside and enjoy this beautiful country.

Hubby went to bed so I am playing sitting on the sofa drinking wine and playing my favorite drinking game. Any of you ever play "Bob" while watching Bob Newhart Show? Well I play "Ancient Astronaut Theorists Believe..." LOL. Did I mention I am getting cabin fever?

So. still waiting for chicks to hatch. If they are still alive they should begin to hatch tomorrow. Although I went to the market today and when I came home and checked on the bator, it had spiked to 101.9! Stupid Little Giant piece of....
I have a Genesis Hovabator that is much better, but it is full of eggs that are only at day 10.

Yes, rambling. I will leave you all in peace. According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists....
Night all....
My neighbor just lost a chicken to a bald eagle. I haven't been as worried about them as I have been about the foxes I've spotted in the area. I guess there's not enough road kill available right now and there can't be as many dead fish floating with all the ice so they're forced to actually hunt for their supper.

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