Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

Birdman... nice incubator.

Irish.... Hope that eagle doesn't come around by you!

Speaking of which.... A friend of mine posted a picture of a dead opossum and a comment about it being in his coop. I asked if it got and of his birds. He said by the time he got there it was cornered by 3 of his roosters! LOL Good Boys!

Night All!
humm.... no Jim?
Jim has been shutting the puter down at about 9 PM lately,, doesn't seem to be anybody around later than that ..

Now it is 4:3o AM and still nobody around..

I am still working on reconditioning a jointer.. I think I have the blade honer finished.. will have to give it a try today..

went bowling yesterday,, just barely hit my average.. but my huge handicap helps the overall team score..

with all that extra protein, I bet those chickens were laying eggs like crazy ..

theres a step by step one....in my forum building paradise for the birds below in blue with plenty of pics and whats needs including tools...very detailed...anyone can do it...it is actually very easy to do....you can make it after the glueing in about an hour tops...biggest things is getting all the right stuff first and then going from there...as some of the stuff you have to order online like the computer fan and the dc to ac converter and the digital thermostat.....hope this helps

morning to all my cheeseheads....did I mention I lived in Wisconsin pretty much my whole life and only recently moved to Michigan about four/five years ago
Woke up to two pipped eggs today! However, one pipped the wrong end. He is moving around and peeping so I won't worry about it for now. Seems to be getting enough air. I have never had this happen, so not sure of what the odds are of it making it out of the shell. Any input is welcome.
Woke up to two pipped eggs today! However, one pipped the wrong end. He is moving around and peeping so I won't worry about it for now. Seems to be getting enough air. I have never had this happen, so not sure of what the odds are of it making it out of the shell. Any input is welcome.
give it 24 hours..I have not had an issue with them hatching about 50% of the time. It is not normal for them to turn all the way around, but it can and does happen. As long as the hatcher is not too wet you should be all good. It is usually the bantams that do it here.

I have more chicks hatching..I am going to try putting the two week olds outside. Yikes it is cold but they are so darn noisy and they are pretty stinky with even daily clean outs. I have a few Orpington chicks for sale for $10 each. I have 2 blacks and 2 blues. I think one mauve, not sure. it might be a light blue, so I am selling it also for $10.

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