Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

give it 24 hours..I have not had an issue with them hatching about 50% of the time. It is not normal for them to turn all the way around, but it can and does happen. As long as the hatcher is not too wet you should be all good. It is usually the bantams that do it here.

I have more chicks hatching..I am going to try putting the two week olds outside. Yikes it is cold but they are so darn noisy and they are pretty stinky with even daily clean outs. I have a few Orpington chicks for sale for $10 each. I have 2 blacks and 2 blues. I think one mauve, not sure. it might be a light blue, so I am selling it also for $10.
Thanks, Delisha! I have my fingers crossed. Humidity is sitting around 60-65%. If I were closer to you, I would buy the chicks, but I am pretty sure Racine is quite a drive from me. Have a beautiful day!
Okay, so the one that pipped wrong way is just hanging out. It hasn't moved its position, but it is alive and active. A second one hatched with the umbilicus still attached to the shell. It dragged that around for a while, but it has finally broken. Looks a bit red and raw. Hope it will not be an issue. A third has pipped, which leaves two still sitting there. Hope they all make it as they were not cheap eggs. Pics to follow soon.
Afternoon to everyone....Congrats with the hatch rockn....I think the one in question will be fine. The redness will go away in no time.

Fire sure feels good today....cloudy and chilly here outside today.

I'm still not collecting enough eggs to save for hatching, but as the days get longer and warmer, it will happen.....I need 2 doz within a week..then I'll be good to go. It sure is a fun time of year beginning with all the good things Spring offers for growing and hatching.

I don't know if we need a bash thread this year? Any opinions on that would be great...it is etched in stone and happening for sure....it will be the 6th bash....my how time flies, eh!

Congrats rockn. I have a lot of chicks stuck to the shell like that. They tend to do just fine :)
Aw Del, how I love your orps!
we have just about enough BLRW to grow out for fair. I will soon be selling.
However the SLW still do not lay well! Arg.
Bigz, how are those Brahma? Our are so beautiful. They are peaceful chickies for sure.
good evening,

Brent, I think there should be some discussion about the bash,, most of the newer people do not know much , if anything, about it.

now just because I said something, do not ask me to start a thread about it..
I wouldn't know how or where to start...

isn't the thread from last year still viable ?

Was a good day. 1/2 work...the other 1/2 cutting firewood. There are times I'm glad DW is not there to watch. Thankfully I always wear spikes for grip, and study escape routes prior to cutting down tree. should have paid more attention in physics class.
With 5 hens I'm averaging over 3 eggs/day. Brahma was the last to start laying, the OE lays the fewest.
We canned chickens all sunday and made a small dent in freezer space ( have 56#'s of venny sausage/brats/sticks I need to find room for ).
I think we will do fewer meat birds this year.
Jim-it should be edittable (is that a word?)

Things are good here except my hens aren't laying. I got a great commendation at work this past week with a letter to the provost on my behalf!

Some new critters:

1. Blue acara, kribensis, and fire mouth cichlids were added to the fish tank of blue gourami, tiger oscar cichlid and a pleco.

2. My new office mates, 2 baby bearded dragons (above

Just a cute pic of my Theo (one of Jim's dogs) after getting his nails cut and hair combed. He is panting something fierce!

Thinking of Del as she heads into surgery again tomorrow!
Was a good day. 1/2 work...the other 1/2 cutting firewood. There are times I'm glad DW is not there to watch. Thankfully I always wear spikes for grip, and study escape routes prior to cutting down tree. should have paid more attention in physics class.
With 5 hens I'm averaging over 3 eggs/day. Brahma was the last to start laying, the OE lays the fewest.
We canned chickens all sunday and made a small dent in freezer space ( have 56#'s of venny sausage/brats/sticks I need to find room for ).
I think we will do fewer meat birds this year.
How do you can chicken? Do you do raw pack? I have never canned meat before, but is something I would like to try.

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