Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I was wondering if any if you guys have helpful tips to share with me about if a chicken is a chicken and a rooster is a rooster. I have 3 baby chicks at the moment. and I have two pullets and one straight run. And he/she is white. I live in the city and I can't have a rooster. and I've developed a bond with him already and I'm just scared that he might be a rooster? any helpful tips you guys know about tell if a chick is a rooster or a chicken?
Post some pictures of them and we could help you a bit more. Go to the area above where you type and look for the mountain and sun square. Click on that and select your image.
Nooner To Everyone......Glad you can post pics again cuties...enjoy everyone's pic's a lot.

Congrats on the hatches. This Is the season for sure.

Glad to hear you received it Robin. Nope didn't get that e-mail, I just checked again....gotta love putters, eh! Those cards are from the cover sketches from sandhill preservation catalog...it's a collection that can be bought there...Me and Suzie just love their covers on the catalog every year, and now you can buy them in card form..just sayin.

Well what the heck frenchie, that just sucks for sure. You will have to bunk it in the cabin, or sleep with Jim in his truck. Don't know if he wants company though? You have to promise not to snore though, first of all....

Amy, every year we bring a dish to pass at the bash,, you always bring a baby,, how long can this go on ???


I don't know but I also don't hear anyone complaining.

Gorgeous skyline BL4!

I am sorry, didn't mean to get your hackles up.. I just tried for a little humor .. guess i failed at that , again..

I went back and deleted the post ..
Somebody's showing their what?!?!?!?
Oh, hackles. My bad

Don't be silly Jim. I thought you were pretty funny, and Amy was just joshing back at you. After all, what would the bash be without "pass the beans, pass the rolls, pass the baby"?

In fact, I do remember you & I passing the baby last year, no? I personally can't wait to hold the little punkin.
Baby is here! A daughter after 3 boys! Emma Jane, 8#, 20", born at home on Mar 11. She and I are doing great, my mom is here taking care of us all. Enjoying our babymoon.

I missed the board meeting on the poultry ordinance (I was in labor!) but good news: pretty much everything was stripped out and they'll come back to a watered diwn version later. So roosters ok, any size coop ok, duplexes ok, egg signs ok, and no fees. Hoorah! Julie said the town hall was packed! Hee hee!

Congratulations! I'm sure her big brothers will look out for her!
My sister and brother-in-law had three boys and then their little girl. They are spaced two years apart, the oldest is a senior now and 6'4" tall. They grow up so fast.

We had a scare the other day, one of the guineas disappeared all day. The remaining 4 were milling around and calling alarm most of the day. It showed up at dusk and was in the roost when we closed up. It was a concern because the day before we had a raccoon hanging around the coop around 4:00, I saw it cross the road coming our way so I had locked the guineas in the coop before it got there.
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