Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I spent yesterday on the garden tractor with the plow on it trying to knock down the hills in the garden area. Neighbor across the road said that the guy two owners ago (so I am guessing 8+ years) decided it would be a good idea to mound up the dirt into hills and plant in those. He lost control to the weeds the first year out and never touched it again. I got about 1/2 of it done, to at least semi level. Next week I will try to get the other 1/2 done. Now to figure out how to get rid of the weeds and grasses that have take over, it looks like nice black topsoil for about 1- 1/5 feet down. It gets a little sandy farther down.
I spent yesterday on the garden tractor with the plow on it trying to knock down the hills in the garden area. Neighbor across the road said that the guy two owners ago (so I am guessing 8+ years) decided it would be a good idea to mound up the dirt into hills and plant in those. He lost control to the weeds the first year out and never touched it again. I got about 1/2 of it done, to at least semi level. Next week I will try to get the other 1/2 done. Now to figure out how to get rid of the weeds and grasses that have take over, it looks like nice black topsoil for about 1- 1/5 feet down. It gets a little sandy farther down.
mulch is your friend,,,
Sunny Sunday All.... Good to hear you had a safe trip at least Irishrover. I haven't been to one of those shows in years. Even then I wasn't impressed.

Looks like a 4x8 free coop whitmore. The  top portion will work well for a coop, once you fix the bottom portion....$300..a guy can live with that.


It is 5x7 : ) Same square footage either way. $300 really isn't bad considering the skids it is on and all the lumber up to this point were reclaimed from pallets and such. Here is the progress made today on the new bottom portion.
I spent yesterday on the garden tractor with the plow on it trying to knock down the hills in the garden area. Neighbor across the road said that the guy two owners ago (so I am guessing 8+ years) decided it would be a good idea to mound up the dirt into hills and plant in those. He lost control to the weeds the first year out and never touched it again. I got about 1/2 of it done, to at least semi level. Next week I will try to get the other 1/2 done. Now to figure out how to get rid of the weeds and grasses that have take over, it looks like nice black topsoil for about 1- 1/5 feet down. It gets a little sandy farther down.
you are on the right track,, It is still way early to plant, but as long as you can plow already, do it, then wait a couple of weeks and do it again,, wait another two weeks or as long as you can and plow again,, keep it up until planting time and then mulch like crazy ...

now is a good time to start your mulch,, crack open the bales of hay or straw.. let the seeds in it sprout and then turn the pile inside out.. keep doing this until planting time,, that should take care of most weed seeds..

too late for this season, but next fall pick up the bagged leaves from people's curb..

one day, just driving from town to home I picked up over 70 bags of leaves..
if the leaves were put into the bags wet, they rotted up into a black muck,, perfect ...

welcome to you from New Glarus,, your assignment is to bring the beer to the bash,, I like spotted cow....
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