Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Kildare...While others have had luck leaving them, I have not...the adult hens killed the chicks...I always separate them now and avoid losing the chicks and the hens distress.


Thanks. All my nest boxes are made out of totes. Easy to pick up and move to the other coop. 1st broody has at least one...maybe more that
hatched today, Other broody has over 2 weeks to go.
I am thinking of using this concrete for our coop/run. It's approximately 15 ft by 9 ft. Fill the center to be all concrete? Ring it with hardware cloth to make a fence and put a free standing coop inside of the fencing? I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!
I would build a coop right on the concrete ring..add a run to the outside like bigZ said..
It looks tome like there was a building on that concrete at one time..
I would be tempted to pour a concrete slab over the existing ring to raise it up and prevent water from running in..

I have a concrete mixer you can use,, I might even be persuaded to come and supervise .

are you and DH good builders ? You will never be sorry to have a nice building like that..

Jim, there was an old playhouse on the foundation a few years back. We moved in last spring but there was just the concrete and some shingles from its roof. Plenty of room for a run near the concrete.

Would love to see your set up and get advice on our build. As far a "good builders", well we aren't pros but we can be handy (wooden play set, composite deck, basement finish, hardwood laminate floor install, etc.). Should be enough know how to build a coop.
Speaking of animal hoarders, this week in Waukesha 330 chinchillas were seized and the house they were in deemed uninhabitable. The people were breeding them (and apparently not selling any?!) Wonder if any will be sent to the shelters around here. They are crazy fun little critters.

heard about that. So sad. Chinchillas are super fun, had one growing up.

Kristip I'm the same way. Dog, cat, and now chickens are pushing DH's limits as he is not a pet person at all. Kids honestly love them but aren't animal crazy like i was. sigh. Someday I'll have another horse, and another ferret, and a sugar glider, and a ball python... lol
heard about that. So sad. Chinchillas are super fun, had one growing up.

Kristip I'm the same way. Dog, cat, and now chickens are pushing DH's limits as he is not a pet person at all. Kids honestly love them but aren't animal crazy like i was. sigh. Someday I'll have another horse, and another ferret, and a sugar glider, and a ball python... lol

Glarner, you sound like me. If it wasn't for DH I'd have more than one dog and probably several other creatures. It took me 9 years to get my chickens. My boys aren't as animal crazy as I wish they were. They love them, but would rather spend time doing other things.


A couple of doors and some paint and I'll be in business. Run to come shortly after. I have some 6 week olds that need to get out of the basement.
Nice job Whitmore!

Kildare, I agree with the guys. Move your 2 broodies to a different area so they can hatch & raise their chicks in peace. Moms have enough stress without having to fight off the other adults. You will be less stressed too.

Dutch, I agree with Bigz & Jim again (wow!
). I would build the run inside the ring of concrete so the fence is right up against the concrete. That way nothing can dig under your fence & get into the run. I would also put the coop on the outside of the ring and pour a concrete slab for your coop to sit on. Then it shouldn't settle. If you are going to be home and in the yard, you could just prop open the fence gate and let them free range? That might not be an option if your yard is smaller, you have neighbors close or don't want them eating/destroying your gardens.

They had that story all over the news down here. 331 live chinchillas, 2 dozen dead ones. Said they were supposedly going to start a business. What kind, a fur farm? What did they have the dead ones laying around for? Nas-T. And just plain sad. I just don't get people sometimes.

Here is a link to the story if anyone is interested:
Hi All!

Yea, if I were in better health and able to keep up with the cleaning I would take in a few of those chinchillas! To think, I had a pet shop once! Now I have a hard time keeping up with just a few pets.
I miss having ferrets too.

Guess that's it.... Night All!
good morning,
yah, CC, say you agree with me and then go on to map out your plan, all different than mine,,

bator is humming along fine,, had to tweak the primary therm a bit, I felt it was running a degree or two too high,,

got a call from Asian lady #3.. she is bringing 160 eggs sometime this week.. I wish I could get it through their heads to bring smaller fresher amounts instead of collecting them for so long..

just for ease of batch separation, I might start up the hatcher and use it as an incubator for just her eggs.

I worked in the shop a bit yesterday,, I got the new tracks on the saw sled and it slides pretty freely and with without any slop ..

the geese have 7 eggs in a nest,, we are going to try to coax them into the coop by putting their eggs in there.. where the nest is now, has always been a favorite place , but something always got the eggs in the past.. even with the dogs roaming, I am not going to take that chance again,,

I am not going to incubate any goose eggs.. the geese do it lots better without my "help" ..


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