Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All

Skimmed through about 300 or so posts so I could be somewhat up to date on the chicken chatter before posting.

to all the newbies to the Cheese heads.

Amy - Congrats on the new baby!!
BL4 - Great news on the job
sounds like your perseverance paid off

glarnerchicks - I'm just down the HWY from KristiP (or over the hill as the crow flies).

I'm looking for eggs to set under my broody and we're thinking Wyandotte, but are open to other possibilities. We are flush with Black Australorps (12), have 9 Delaware (2 are old girls), and have 7 Rhode Islands (3 are old girls and 1 young handsome Roo). Mostly I'm looking for someone near by since I'd like to get eggs under her as soon as possible. My Roo has been busy with the girls, but the problem is I don't have a breeding area set up yet (future plans) so instead of scrambled eggs, I'd have scrambled chicks

I do have to share a funny story before I sign off . . . our neighbor had their chickens about a year before we got ours and once everyone began to free range it was one big happy flock. Everyone would go back to their designated roosts each night. Last year they added to their flock and all but one of their original seven is still with us. They call her "grandma", we call her "miss kimbal". Well she had been over with our three bantams the Sunday we got the foot of snow. It started to snow mid morning and she go stuck here so decided to roost with the bantams. It's been over a week, snow is gone, and she has decided the bantam's coop makes a good retirement home. She pays her rent most days (still a good layer).
I guess it takes a village to tend the flock
Hi Rberry!!
If you would like some BLRW eggs lmk :)
I am about to set the bator tonight. They lay about 3 a day.
How sweet about the old hen ♡
Gchicks. You are hooked. And it will never end. From here on out you are considered one of us crazy chicken ladies ;)
Hi All!

I hope at least most of you got to spend some time out in the great weather! I spent a good part of the day with a nasty headache :/ I had the back door open for awhile this afternoon, apparently Neil has been letting the hen turkey (Missy) in to clean up seed and treats he's spilled. When she saw the door was open she came right up the deck and in the door like she was invited! LOL Then TomTom came up and stood by the door until she was done.

Night All!
sounds like you might have a house turkey before you k of it ! LOL might have to order some turkey diapers! I need to get a pattern for those.
24 out of 41 eggs in lock down last night. Decided to fire up a hovabator 1588 for hatcher instead of new FI 4250. Don't want to dirty up another Bator for hatching. Problem being I was at the Fix is in Spay clinic all day. Had only 4 hours of sleep the day before so by the time I got home I had to rearrange the spare bedroom again (corner in my bedroom wasn't working out). Felt like one of those cubes with different colors that you try to align getting the tables set up ! Then did a bator 101 assembly fan and thermo lesson at about midnight. I
had taken them all apart to clean.....nothing like procrastination!
Never realized that the wire wrapped around the fan is where the heat comes from. Thought I did something wrong when the plastic wire was heating up in my hand. Interesting! Got it running and it's holding g it's own.
Now just to see of what if any hatch . 20 out of 24 are shipped eggs.
My Lavender Ameracauna eggs I set on the 28 all have moving fluid...BUT and Dom and silkie eggs don't look good either. The only one that holed any promise ate the BBS Ameracauna's from Texas. The silkied Lavender Ameraucana's from the same person don't show anything but it's only been 4 days.
Left a message for Brinsea. They called back left me a message....what do I want to do??? Dah....I want working accurite thermometers! So will call again.
Really pooped out today....Volunteer day wears me out on top of the Hatching thing!... but so worth it.
Nice Afternoon To All....good to see we are all stayin busy with hatching and chores. Frenchie, I would love to know how Chuck keeps up with you?

I'm busy as usual....gotta keep doing stuff during this important time of season to me spiritually.

Forgot to mention before about all the great pics some have shared with us here...they truly are looked at and appreciated by all of us cheeseheads.

Looking good....bigz
good afternoon,

supper is out of the way, the second incubator is up and running,, it has 48 guinea eggs in it..

someone is on their way here right now to buy Shadow.. I really hate to let her go, but I can't keep all the puppies, can I ? she is really easy to train,, already has very good manners ..
doesn't jump on furniture, keeps her feet on the ground, and not on people,, doesn't chew on things she is not supposed to..

Rberry...I know I chatted,with you Earlier....but if you want to try some olive eggers... I have some marans that should be pure and then some blue egg layers over our maran whch would,be olive eggers. You are welcome to some if you want.
Was going to post and almost forgot...I gave a prolapse. Haven't had one in a few years. Of course the nasty roo won't let me get too close to her... What is best to give her? I think I have powdered duramyacin ...would that work? As soon as I can pull her out I will give her bottom a warm soap and see how that helps. Looks all yucky right now. Did I mention I have 16 people coming Sunday and we are gone most of tomorrow on a science outing to UW Madison for the kids.... Tomorrow night I,will be working on her! Thanks for your thouhts

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