Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

So sorry for everyone's losses... Welcome newbies. I'm fairly new too. I have eggs in the bator due May 5 for a friend that I hope will hatch. I just got some shipped eggs in today. First time trying shipped eggs. Wiggly air cells. They are resting now. Will see how that goes. Broilers coming the 5th also. Run for the second coop is nearly done. Staining and painting this week to be ready for the chicks.
and I hope your friend hatches, also..
Welcome to the newbies!
Irish I would blukote that owie you texted me. And be sure you SSS.
got a lot done in the barn yesterday and today. My back is a little sore. But worth it!
Jim, it sounds like you are so busy. I wish I were closer. The kiddos coj ld come help with the ricks. Scott wants me to ask if we could come for another visit at some point. He would like to bring one of the giant bators that needs dickering. I might even bring you some guniae. Those buggers are picking on my grow out chi ks :/
I am sorry I missed you on Sunday cc. Would have been nice to visit!
Tball season is right around the corner. I am proud to say that the coach has asked Sydney to be team leader! It will be Blakes first year. Hopefully he follows I. His sisters footsteps :)
things are beginning to busy up for summer!


Big thank you to Delisha for Sydneys new babies!
Today I took advantage of the beautiful sunshine and took my five 3 week old girls outside on the grass for the first time. There were pretty apprehensive at first, huddled in the corner that had no grass but soon set off exploring and pecking at the ground. So great to see them doing chicken things!
and to the Cheesehead thread Firstchic & Chickensintown! Hope you like it here.

Firstchic, you have 2 girls laying. No hen I have ever heard of can lay more than one egg a day. I think it takes about 26 hours for a chicken to produce an egg, so there will be a day here & there when they will not lay an egg. As they get older, their cycle gradually slows down so they will not lay as often.

Nice tractor Irish! She's a beaut. Is it an H? So sorry to hear about the two latest victims. I hope the survivor makes it.
If the scratches aren't too serious, I think Blu kote might do the job. I hope it isn't someones dog attacking your girls?

Sandi, yes, the English Orps look like they are wearing bloomers. Big ones! Big, big fluffy bottoms on them ladies. I got 2 young blues from Del on Saturday along with a GLO.
I will try to post some pics tomorrow. Congrats on the silkie hatch. I agree with Jim. The other chick must not have been strong enough. It is so hard but it was for the best. At least you didn't have time to get attached.

cuties, I am so sorry we missed you too. We really wanted to stay & visit for a while but we had company coming so we had to leave.
I hope you had a great visit with them. We sure did. Cute chickies! I hope the kiddos enjoy them a lot.

Jim, congrats on the guineas & for figuring out the issue with the gas. I hope you get Ollie fired up tomorrow.

Clucks, isn't that fun to watch the chicks in the grass for the first time?

I got the coop completely cleaned out yesterday & hauled it to the compost pile. My neck & back are feeling it today for sure. Tomorrow I will be raking grass clippings & tossing them into the coop. The girls sure love scratching in them even though they have a huge yard of grass to peck about in. I have to post some pics of the new run addition too. That went up last weekend. It is about 100'x100+' in addition to their old 35'x65' run. They are loving it!
Here are a couple of gruesome pictures of the damage. I'm hoping she'll make it through the night! I put antibiotic on a bandage and wrapped her up - though it looks like a pretty deep wound. I'm not sure what else to do for her. She made it to her spot on the top roost by herself.

We think it's a dog or a fox from the size of the bite mark. Whatever it was was strong enough to hold her down and rip all the feathers from her back. The predator seemed to enjoy the kill.

My dog found the place where it went through the fence with the other hen. I'm going to have a rifle pointed at that spot tomorrow.

and to the Cheesehead thread Firstchic & Chickensintown! Hope you like it here.

Nice tractor Irish! She's a beaut. Is it an H? So sorry to hear about the two latest victims. I hope the survivor makes it.
If the scratches aren't too serious, I think Blu kote might do the job. I hope it isn't someones dog attacking your girls?
1953 Super H - most everything is original.

Someone will be missing a dog tomorrow if it steps on my property. There's a trap waiting for the feral cat that was eating eggs, too. I'm a very angry chicken mama!
Hi All!

Sorry for the losses

I would try some super glue to close the wound. I think I've used more super glue on flesh than I have on everything else!

Nothing else new..... Night All!
Good thing you are a handy man. My neighbor has Guineas in with his chickens, but, I was wondering---what are they good for? Besides making a bunch of noise, better than a watch dog and laying eggs? I remember when I was a kid, folks I lived with had them. All I remember is them flying into the trees at night. :)

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