Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I am about 100 pages behind..I really need to get on her more.

Welcome to all the new peeps!!
Happy birthday, to all the birthdays I missed and I hope everyone had a nice Mothers day.

The bash is creeping up closer and closer. If anyone needs imported Orpington chicks, drop me a line please. I am only bringing chicks this year. I have Chocolate, Mauve, Black, Blue, White.
I do not think I will have buckeyes available. Both of the girls have been on nests..one with buckeye eggs and one on Orp eggs.

I am so happy I have Cookie..not one lost bird to predators since she has been here...what a great protector of the flock.


email addy
[email protected]
Well, sorry guys, I did take the pics, but, dang if I can figure how to get them on this site. When my son comes home I will have him do it.....he is way more computer smart than I am. So, my chickens are only 1 1/2 years old, and they are dying of old age? I think my neighbor let his chickens hatch them.....does that make a difference? And, from all the breeds out there.....how do I know I am getting a breed that is not production? Dang, and I just got them a month ago, about. But, she is still laying.
Hi all--just read through about 20 pages...WOW is all I can say! I am dealing with a fox too--who ever is also looking at that...I have lost many, many birds to her/him and am getting frustrated. My fence worked for so long but not the nasy critter is coming through the big barn doors I have open for the horses! I saw it in the barn when I went out to investigate the other night...I think I know where the den is,,,it might end up with SSS. Good luck with the Eagle solution...that would be a tough one!

THe chicken that has a messy butt--sounds like it is an internal layer or is egg bound. You can feel the egg in the canal if you palpate the area. If the bird is something like a Comet, red star, special black...they lay about 1.5 years and then get this ailment and then they die. That is the nature of a big layer type. If it is a heritage breed there are things that you can do...best to look at the ailments area of the site...tons of info! The bread didnt do it. Not saying that you should follow my practice but I frequently clean out my fridge right in to the chicken bucket and there is some mighty scary stuff in there!

I have seen those coops of FB too and they do look nicely built. With all the problems I am having lately I think that would be the way to go--4 hens and NOTHING ELSE! LOL--yea right...

Welcome to all the new faces...I hope we get to meet in person at the BASH! See mine or BigZ's siggy for a link.

Oh yeah...clear to sell eggs but not to move birds in or out...I am sitting on a lot of goslings, quail, chicks and ducklings right now...I sure hope this goes away soon!

Good night and sweet dreams as always--TerriO

Hi all--just read through about 20 pages...WOW is all I can say! I am dealing with a fox too--who ever is also looking at that...I have lost many, many birds to her/him and am getting frustrated. My fence worked for so long but not the nasy critter is coming through the big barn doors I have open for the horses! I saw it in the barn when I went out to investigate the other night...I think I know where the den is,,,it might end up with SSS. Good luck with the Eagle solution...that would be a tough one!

THe chicken that has a messy butt--sounds like it is an internal layer or is egg bound. You can feel the egg in the canal if you palpate the area. If the bird is something like a Comet, red star, special black...they lay about 1.5 years and then get this ailment and then they die. That is the nature of a big layer type. If it is a heritage breed there are things that you can do...best to look at the ailments area of the site...tons of info! The bread didnt do it. Not saying that you should follow my practice but I frequently clean out my fridge right in to the chicken bucket and there is some mighty scary stuff in there!

I have seen those coops of FB too and they do look nicely built. With all the problems I am having lately I think that would be the way to go--4 hens and NOTHING ELSE! LOL--yea right...

Welcome to all the new faces...I hope we get to meet in person at the BASH! See mine or BigZ's siggy for a link.

Oh yeah...clear to sell eggs but not to move birds in or out...I am sitting on a lot of goslings, quail, chicks and ducklings right now...I sure hope this goes away soon!

Good night and sweet dreams as always--TerriO
OMG! Is everyone telling me all my chickens are gonna die because they are 1 1/2 or just the ones that are red? What about the Delawares, and the black birds. Not as in Blackbirds. They a just Black.
Well, sorry guys, I did take the pics, but, dang if I can figure how to get them on this site. When my son comes home I will have him do it.....he is way more computer smart than I am. So, my chickens are only 1 1/2 years old, and they are dying of old age? I think my neighbor let his chickens hatch them.....does that make a difference? And, from all the breeds out there.....how do I know I am getting a breed that is not production? Dang, and I just got them a month ago, about. But, she is still laying.
Chickens don't die of old age at 1 1/2 years. A friend of mine has 10 year old hens that still lay eggs randomly. Their egg production drops after their first year, but the don't automatically die. I have 3 year old hens that lay a few times a week yet, then two year olds that lay just a tad more, and the yearlings. If you don't want a full on production breed (didn't read far back enough to see what you have) then I would look into dual purpose birds. They won't lay quite as steady as a production bird, but depending on your needs that may be fine. If you look at hatchery sites they usually list them as egg layers, meat birds, or dual purpose. Not saying you should order from there, but you can use it as a reference to get some ideas.
Hey iMagen,
I'm in Sheboygan County. My DH is the super gardener. He loves Honey Crisp, so we got two full sized HC trees about 3 or 4 years ago. Actually got some nice sized fruit on them last year, too. DH made a ton of applesauce. The kids love, love, love it. They fight over the empty jar to get every drop out. Makes them sound like a pack of wolves; that's not entirely true, though. (Most of the time!

We have such a problem right now with groundhogs. Oh my Bob, it's AWFUL. DH has shot three of them, dug up their holes, etc. Those suckers are relentless. Any tips for dealing with groundhogs!?!?

Bigz, sorry about the plants. That stinks.

FirstChic, I agree with CC. Sounds more like crabapple if the fruit is small. You can make jelly out of that, but it takes a metric ton of sugar!
Yeah, Cheeze Poultry but we are talking about the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil. And then they just turn real dark and thats it.
OMG! Is everyone telling me all my chickens are gonna die because they are 1 1/2 or just the ones that are red? What about the Delawares, and the black birds. Not as in Blackbirds. They a just Black.
Please don't panic. All of your birds are not going to die. If you have red stars, a production breed, they usually do not live nearly as long as heritage breeds. Delawares are heritage breeds so they should be around for a while for you. I have no idea about your blacks since I do not know their breed. I would ask your neighbor what breeds your birds are. If you got them from him/her, they might not be production birds. Maybe your hen is just ill. I would put some vitamins/electros in their water & see if she improves.

Production breeds die very young , usually at 1 1/2 to 2 years old. They are typically sold at feed stores, hatcheries and TSC/F&F type stores. Usually they will be listed as "production" or "sex linked" birds so you know what to be aware of.

Your average heritage breed, given good lineage & care, should live a good 5-8 years or more. They do not lay as often as production birds and will gradually slow down as they age in how often they lay an egg, but they will give you many years of enjoyment. HTH

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