Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey all,
Sorry been MIA since I just joined. Life's busy with the kids in school, work, etc. etc. etc. Can't keep track of personals, I have the worst head cold right now. Bah.

My oldest had 2 chicks hatch this weekend, she was super eggcited!! They are New Hampshire/Americauna or Auracauna crosses. Once they dried, she put them in the brooder with the 2 week old Silkie chick and they were huge when you looked at them alongside the Silkie. LOL The Silkie was freaked out with someone else sharing the brooder and kept trying to run away from the new chicks. Funny and cute! Anyway, one of the hatchlings had crooked feet. It didn't make it.
So we just have the one now.

Daughter is expecting guinea keets to hatch the end of this week. Hubby wants to raise them for meat. Anybody have guineas and eat them? I never had them before, so this is new for us. DH and I don't come from hunting families, so never had pheasant (which I guess guinea is supposed to taste like?)

Weather back to cold & breezy. All the trees have flowers on, and the cherry tree has tiny cherries. Hope it doesn't get too cold, but it sounds like it'll be warm enough not to freeze at least.

Firstchic, I recommend Silkies for a pet type breed. So soft and super easy going and friendly. My daughter has two breeding pair (but not show quality) - one white pair and one partridge pair. She already has the next couple sold and they aren't even hatched yet. I think they are supposed to hatch late next week. Daughter got hers at the Fond du Lac swap.

Jim, I wished my DH was handy in fixing stuff. He's not mechanical. At all. I'm more so, but don't have a lot of time to tinker. I was proud of DH, though, he did get our riding lawn mower running. Just had to replace the spark plugs, but he tried a few other things first before trying that. I'm just happy we didn't have to have someone fix it and pay them for replacing spark plugs. LOL

Okay, back to reading some other threads. Take care everyone!
Daughter is expecting guinea keets to hatch the end of this week. Hubby wants to raise them for meat. Anybody have guineas and eat them? I never had them before, so this is new for us. DH and I don't come from hunting families, so never had pheasant (which I guess guinea is supposed to taste like?)
I thought they were supposed to taste like chicken?
My neighbor got an order from McMurray and got a mystery chick.
Any ideas on what you all think it might be. At first glance I would say Easter Egger but it has a single.comb.

No idea, but its a roo!

OK then, what we have as those spiny tree/weeds are definitely not hawthorns..
Now, what are they ?? LOL
For trees with thorns, I'd say a locust of some type. Very invasive!

Just talked to my niece. She asked me how to prevent and get rid of squash beetles. Last year she lost all her zucchini.
Beetles or borers? For borers, I put panty hose around the base of the vine. They can't crawl up!

good morning,

3 puppies so far since 7 AM..
Frankie would not go into her coop.. instead, she dug two HUGE holes next to it.. I guess it is her interpretation of a den.. I hope the rain holds off until she is all done ..

I can't get her to go inside her coop or our house..

found a dead guinea rooster near the house this morning,,
no marks or sign of fowl play. (no pun intended)

Jim-congrats on the pups (too dang bad you didn't time it better, LOL, you could have brought me a girl and convinced DH that we should bring her home). Theo really needs an outdoor companion, but I'm concerned that 2 of them on less than an acre would be too much! Advise anyone?
Well ET still isn't home. He called at about noon and said he got picked for the jury ! 3 or 4 day trial. Had to hang up...they were tacking their phones away.
Decided to let them ship the rails thru Speedy delivery. Shipping them in a tube for $20. God I must love you guys. Won't have money for groceries for the rest of the month but I'll have bed rails. Now let's see how easy they are to install. Hop he can find his rivet gun. ;)
Hey all,
Sorry been MIA since I just joined. Life's busy with the kids in school, work, etc. etc. etc. Can't keep track of personals, I have the worst head cold right now. Bah.

My oldest had 2 chicks hatch this weekend, she was super eggcited!! They are New Hampshire/Americauna or Auracauna crosses. Once they dried, she put them in the brooder with the 2 week old Silkie chick and they were huge when you looked at them alongside the Silkie. LOL The Silkie was freaked out with someone else sharing the brooder and kept trying to run away from the new chicks. Funny and cute! Anyway, one of the hatchlings had crooked feet. It didn't make it.
So we just have the one now.

Daughter is expecting guinea keets to hatch the end of this week. Hubby wants to raise them for meat. Anybody have guineas and eat them? I never had them before, so this is new for us. DH and I don't come from hunting families, so never had pheasant (which I guess guinea is supposed to taste like?)

Weather back to cold & breezy. All the trees have flowers on, and the cherry tree has tiny cherries. Hope it doesn't get too cold, but it sounds like it'll be warm enough not to freeze at least.

Firstchic, I recommend Silkies for a pet type breed. So soft and super easy going and friendly. My daughter has two breeding pair (but not show quality) - one white pair and one partridge pair. She already has the next couple sold and they aren't even hatched yet. I think they are supposed to hatch late next week. Daughter got hers at the Fond du Lac swap.

Jim, I wished my DH was handy in fixing stuff. He's not mechanical. At all. I'm more so, but don't have a lot of time to tinker. I was proud of DH, though, he did get our riding lawn mower running. Just had to replace the spark plugs, but he tried a few other things first before trying that. I'm just happy we didn't have to have someone fix it and pay them for replacing spark plugs. LOL

Okay, back to reading some other threads. Take care everyone!
Hey all,
Sorry been MIA since I just joined. Life's busy with the kids in school, work, etc. etc. etc. Can't keep track of personals, I have the worst head cold right now. Bah.

My oldest had 2 chicks hatch this weekend, she was super eggcited!! They are New Hampshire/Americauna or Auracauna crosses. Once they dried, she put them in the brooder with the 2 week old Silkie chick and they were huge when you looked at them alongside the Silkie. LOL The Silkie was freaked out with someone else sharing the brooder and kept trying to run away from the new chicks. Funny and cute! Anyway, one of the hatchlings had crooked feet. It didn't make it.
So we just have the one now.

Daughter is expecting guinea keets to hatch the end of this week. Hubby wants to raise them for meat. Anybody have guineas and eat them? I never had them before, so this is new for us. DH and I don't come from hunting families, so never had pheasant (which I guess guinea is supposed to taste like?)

Weather back to cold & breezy. All the trees have flowers on, and the cherry tree has tiny cherries. Hope it doesn't get too cold, but it sounds like it'll be warm enough not to freeze at least.

Firstchic, I recommend Silkies for a pet type breed. So soft and super easy going and friendly. My daughter has two breeding pair (but not show quality) - one white pair and one partridge pair. She already has the next couple sold and they aren't even hatched yet. I think they are supposed to hatch late next week. Daughter got hers at the Fond du Lac swap.

Jim, I wished my DH was handy in fixing stuff. He's not mechanical. At all. I'm more so, but don't have a lot of time to tinker. I was proud of DH, though, he did get our riding lawn mower running. Just had to replace the spark plugs, but he tried a few other things first before trying that. I'm just happy we didn't have to have someone fix it and pay them for replacing spark plugs. LOL

Okay, back to reading some other threads. Take care everyone!
Yeah, been looking at those Silkies, they sure are cute. Suppose to freeze by me. I have my garden in raised boxes, we covered them with a quilt and put plastic over that. Hope that save them. I only put plastic on one night, and lost about 7 peppers and a couple tomatoes.
I'll tell you what, if we talked only chicken, there would be a lot fewer posts on here..
and I think it would be a lot less interesting, too..
I will admit, occasionally we do wander way off the chicken track, but side discussions always peter out and something new comes along..
we are more than just chicken fanatics here,, we are friends.. and friends can talk about anything,
(except politics and religion) ..
personally I don't know enough about either one to carry on an intelligent conversation..

I got my lawnmower fixed today.. great timing,, Ollie is running, lawn mower works and now it is too cold and nasty to use either of them ,,

Frankie passed her "friendly dog exam" a stranger, lady, stopped in to pick up a guinea.. Frankie did the barking thing, then she settled right down and let the lady pet her,, what a difference that was from her last litter ..

the brooder was turned off when I just went out to water the chicks.. we must have had a lightning strike close by because the battery charger was blinking 88.88 also..

I hit the reset button on that line and everything is back to working again..

see how I included chicken talk in those non chicken items ? ..


I'll tell you what, if we talked only chicken, there would be a lot fewer posts on here..
and I think it would be a lot less interesting, too..
I will admit, occasionally we do wander way off the chicken track, but side discussions always peter out and something new comes along..
we are more than just chicken fanatics here,, we are friends.. and friends can talk about anything,
(except politics and religion) ..
personally I don't know enough about either one to carry on an intelligent conversation..

I got my lawnmower fixed today.. great timing,, Ollie is running, lawn mower works and now it is too cold and nasty to use either of them ,,

Frankie passed her "friendly dog exam" a stranger, lady, stopped in to pick up a guinea.. Frankie did the barking thing, then she settled right down and let the lady pet her,, what a difference that was from her last litter ..

the brooder was turned off when I just went out to water the chicks.. we must have had a lightning strike close by because the battery charger was blinking 88.88 also..

I hit the reset button on that line and everything is back to working again..

see how I included chicken talk in those non chicken items ? ..


I'll tell you what, if we talked only chicken, there would be a lot fewer posts on here..
and I think it would be a lot less interesting, too..
I will admit, occasionally we do wander way off the chicken track, but side discussions always peter out and something new comes along..
we are more than just chicken fanatics here,, we are friends.. and friends can talk about anything,
(except politics and religion) ..
personally I don't know enough about either one to carry on an intelligent conversation..

I got my lawnmower fixed today.. great timing,, Ollie is running, lawn mower works and now it is too cold and nasty to use either of them ,,

Frankie passed her "friendly dog exam" a stranger, lady, stopped in to pick up a guinea.. Frankie did the barking thing, then she settled right down and let the lady pet her,, what a difference that was from her last litter ..

the brooder was turned off when I just went out to water the chicks.. we must have had a lightning strike close by because the battery charger was blinking 88.88 also..

I hit the reset button on that line and everything is back to working again..

see how I included chicken talk in those non chicken items ? ..

So, my lesson from Jim is, it is ok to talk about anything else, as long as I talk about chickens....BTW did anyone notice I only talked about chickens in my last post.
Hey everyone!

Wow, I've been trying to keep up on the posts but I missed a few! Things here are good.... ladies are all doing well. They sure like to waste their food!

Their wing feathers are coming in nicely! They try and flap, it's so cute.

Our carpenter friend is building me a coop! We are getting together next week over beer and food (the Wisconsin way, right?) to discuss and draw up plans, then will start building!!!!
good evening,

Has anybody else had trouble with some sort of video showing up on the screen while you are on byc ?
it is happening to me right now.. it pushes the post way to the left and takes up the whole right side of the screen,, and then I can't even scroll down because the posts jump around up and down..
spooky !!

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