Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Waiting for first eggs is hard.

It's been a really long, emotional week or so here. My BIL was killed (23) in a car accident this past October, and last weekend we went to UW Madison so that we could get his posthumous Masters degree -- they had my inlaws walk across the stage, announced his name, and put his picture up on the jumbotron in the Kohl Center. Very emotional. Then we put his ashes into the columbarium at the church on Sunday...also very hard day.

The chickens are growing -- they're so much bigger now than even when we got them a couple weeks ago.
What a nice way to give tribute to your BIL.

Your chickens look awesome!
That would be "Dear Husband".

Hi all,

Yesterday DH and I worked on the floor of the chicken coop- we finally have all the gravel layed and the framing and plywood on top. We are planning to blackjack the surface to make it easy to clean, and have also graded the floor so the water will drain out the door of the box stall to be used as the coop.

TBH I can't wait until the chickies can be put out into the coop... they are SO dusty in their brooder in the house! There are a couple already at 2-ish weeks that can really use those wings to get around... many are already getting their shoulder feathers. Four of five of my SLW, my BA roo, and 2 of my EE still don't have any sign of a tail. Does anyone know what can cause such differences in feathering time, even within breeds? I know sexing is one but 14 of 15 are supposed to be pullets. Having 7 of 15 turn out as roos would be HIGHLY disappointing.

Since it was so nice out yesterday we took an excursion into the yard in a dog crate. A few squirmed their way out but my Carolina Dog gently nosed them back to where they should be. He has really taken to them- we had a doggy friend come over the other day, who looked at the chicks and my dog (Moose) got all grumbly at him! I think Moose really thinks these are his chicks. He is so gentle with them, and has prior experience with rabbits so knows to be gentle with small animals.

DH calls them our little biker gang. Here's a pic of them on their grass excursion:
No wonder I did not know what DH meant! I don't have one.
Funny, there are alot of 2/3 letter things I don't know on here.
The funny thing is I go to another site that has nothing to do with chickens and the same abbreviations (DH/DS/DD etc) are used there too. Maybe it's an interwebz thing? I was shocked to see the same ones here, though, I won't lie about that.

ODD (oldest dear daughter) is expecting some guinea keets to hatch this weekend. We're all excited to see how cute they are! We had my DH's cousin and cousin's wife and family up last night so ODD (the chicken obsessed one) brought up her 2-1/2 week old Silkie chick for their kids to see/pet. That little white Silkie is an absolute darling. When you pet his/her head, he/she will push up against your finger like a cat would. LOL Too cute.

Glarner, so sorry for your loss.

This weekend is a holiday weekend, so I wish all of you, my fellow cheeseheads, a lovely and relaxing time. For any of you who are veterans, THANK YOU for your service.


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