Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

evening to you all,

today I went and bought ground oats and corn for the meaties.. they are pretty well feathered out and I think they can handle real food.. I will set up my turkey feeder tomorrow and put a hundred pounds in it.. that should last those buggars for awhile..

we moved the goats into the big yard .. they sure dove into that grass .. the pen we had them in was mostly weeds.. I think I will stretch a tarp, tent style for them to hide under .. they sure don't like rain,, shade is no problem where they are at, now.. at one end it is all pine trees and the rest of the pen is scattered with 80 black walnut trees..

I have the whole lawn mowed.. between yesterday and today, I spent about 5 hours mowing grass..
my face and forehead are sun burnt ..

I bought some layer pellets for the call ducks.. the feed mill people said that would work.. IDK, I never had Calls before...
I sure would like to have a chance at hatching some eggs ..

I have 19 more guinea eggs to get into the bator.. I am waiting for 4 days to elapse before setting this next batch..

No, the puppies are not weaned yet,, they haven't even opened their eyes yet,, they will be two weeks old this Saturday.. that is about when their eyes will open..
Frankie will wean them at about 6 weeks old, or so.. if we leave it up to the pups, they would suckle until they are full grown,, LOL

Hi All!

Yep, going to the Bash.... sleeping in the Van.

Cool quilt!

I'm getting some of those shoes as soon as I can! However I have shot fat little feet (like me!) Do you think they can fit a 6 1/2 wide?

Jim... 100 lbs. of food... I think they'll eat 'till they pop! I wanted to make Black Walnut ink because it's the easiest and cheapest, but he wanted black and red.
I think it's a nice color ink too.

Well, far later than I wanted.... a few hours sleep and it's head north!

Night All!

BTW.... we're bringing pulled pork from Best Bargains. Sorry, no buckets this year.
Hopefully you'll like what we bring.
Everyone have a great time at the bash, once again won't make it as I have a swap early tomorrow morning to attend. I have to sell about 60 chicks hopefully to make room for the 5 dozen hatching now and more in a few days.

Also if anyone of you know anyone who may have a Serama pullet/hen as my boy Poco is raising hell in my chicken room and need to find him a lady.

My Button Quail and Cortunix are in lockdown now. I hatched a few Buttons so far but this is the first for the Cortunix as they are young and just got my first fertile eggs. I set 23 Guineas eggs lastnight finally. Hoping to set some more here in a few days. Tyler says we are keeping up to 30 for ourselves to keep here on the farm to help with bugs.

Still waiting for my Swedish Flower Hens to get fertility, sucks wasting all these eggs in the bator. I think the male just hasn't figured out yet he's a boy as he's young yet(6-7mo). I'm getting 3-4 eggs a day though from the 4 girls, one is a pullet I raised who just started laying a few weeks ago, Tyler saved her pullet egg that was smaller than a quarter around.

I've been hatching quite a few Salmon Faverolle x Iowa Blue chicks that are turning into nice dual purpose birds. The SF are so large but timid and the IB are so small and hyper so hoping to get a bigger calmer birds out of the cross.
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Morning Everyone...sorry to hear some of you can't make the bash....hoping for next year it works out for you all. The pink signs will be on the highway again....turn right coming from the south right after the pigeon river sign and turn left coming from the north.....if you cross the pigeon river, you just missed the turn off. Take Boy Scout road to the end and through the gate....Gate will be open right after noon today.....what time you leaving home Jim?
DH just texted me that we have a guinea hatching. Yeah! Our first guinea that tried to hatch didn't make it out of that tough shell. The guinea shells are super tough and hard to crack. I'll be headed home from work in just a bit to check it out. (I work 1/2 days on Fridays during the summer - great perk!)

I hope all of you have a grand time at the bash. Stay dry tomorrow!! Take some pics of the fun to post later to make the rest of us jealous!

We're going to stay home this weekend and get some cleaning done. DH has most of the garden at our house and his mom's house planted. He was working on planting onion sets this morning when we had a thunderstorm roll through. Still battling those danged groundhog(s). Hope we can get one this weekend. Also mice. I have never seen so many mice. What the heck is up with that?? Caught another one last night. I hope that's the end of them - it's so gross, just knowing they are in my kitchen!!

Kids had a 4-H poultry meeting last night. Lots going on with the project, so it's pretty exciting stuff. We are one of two families that are planning on bringing heritage turkeys to the county fair this year. Between the 4-H activites and the end of school it's a busy time of year for our household. Still waiting for DD's bunnies from the breeder. The bunnies should be just about ready I should think. She's excited to get them.

Good afternoon everyone.
Well sorry to say we are not going to be attending this year after all. ET and I are both sick. He was so bad I brought him to urgent care because of his past pneumonia and other lung issues. Said it was bronchitis but???
Sure am going to miss the raffle and white elephant and nummy food. And of course all of the smiling faces !
Good afternoon everyone.
Well sorry to say we are not going to be attending this year after all. ET and I are both sick. He was so bad I brought him to urgent care because of his past pneumonia and other lung issues. Said it was bronchitis but???
Sure am going to miss the raffle and white elephant and nummy food. And of course all of the smiling faces !
Oh great. I was going to bring your cage tomorrow that I have had for a year now.
Just kidding.

I hope you & ET are feeling better real soon.

Watch, I won't bring it & you will show up anyway.

I hear crickets............ This so stinks not being at the bash.
We won't be going either. Taking all three of my kiddos just isn't something I'm up for this weekend! And between soccer and my oldest's Cub Scout banquet, I don't have a ton of time anyway. Maybe next year!

Random question -- anyone near New Glarus know of a good chicken babysitter? We go on an annual vacation every July and will be looking for someone to check in on the chickens while we're gone.

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