Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

well, I had someone tell me that the breed of rooster had nothing to do with the breed of chicks. So, ya wanna tell me about that? If I get Wyodotte (sp?) Rooster and have Red sexlink hens, what do I get?
FC, you get what my ODD (oldest dear daughter) lovingly refers to as "barnyard specials"! We have a Americauna or Aracauna and New Hampshire mix chick right now. Roo is a beautiful NH and the hen is (we think) Americauna. I say we think she is the mom because she was sitting on the egg when DH took it out from under her and put it in the incubator. It's a pretty chick so far, has more NH coloring but has the puffy cheek feathers of the A. I told DH no more "Frankenchicks" please! LOL We have enough as it is. I think last count was 106 birds between pea fowl, guineas, laying hens, 4-H projects, ODD's Silkies, breed turkeys, BBW turkeys and Cornish crosses. LOL

Speaking of ODD's Silkies... the two silkie hens (one white, one partridge) have successfully hatched about 5 silkie chicks. What little darlings they are! I will have to have ODD post some pics. Totally adorable. All fuzz and hard to resist. She brought one in the house for a second to show me and it was so light, it was like holding nothing in my hand... the hens are still sitting on some guinea eggs in the nest, so we're going to let them see if they can hatch those. DH is hoping for some guineas to butcher for meat.

School is out now, and the kids are going through their "inventory" on what to enter in the county fair. I think I have talked ODD and DS into showing at the state fair next year. Oh my, I must be crazy.

Whoever was asking about poultry sitting - yeah, we do what Jim said. We trade sitting with another family. But I'd say, depending on time to get there and how much they need to do $5 to $10 a day would be sufficient. Just my opinion though.

A chick has a mix of genes - 1/2 momma and 1/2 papa. Your hybrid chicks are already a mix of breeds - that's pretty much what hybrid means. They are specific mix of two or more different breeds of chickens that produce that specific mix of traits that someone wants. For example - the broilers are bred specifically for increased weight gain.
GC, how long are you going to be gone and how old are these kids?
Thanks for all the input, everyone -- we'll be gone for 4-5 days, and the kids are a 16 year old and his 9 year old sister. All I'm asking them to do is check to make sure everyone's ok, collect any eggs (they can keep them), and fill food/water as needed. We only have 5 hens, so it's not a huge undertaking.

ETA: Forgot, they live a short block away, easy walking distance or a 2 min drive.
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So, I will be getting 3 roosters and 2 additional hens on Sat. Golden Wyadotte (sp). They are 5 weeks old, how old do they have to be for them to be ready for the big girls? More questions to come.
good evening,
I got the whole lawn mowed..
there will be no rototilling until we get a few dry days in a row..
bumper drop of mosquitoes ..
your rooster will be ready for the girls when he begins to crow or shortly thereafter..
So, I will be getting 3 roosters and 2 additional hens on Sat. Golden Wyadotte (sp). They are 5 weeks old, how old do they have to be for them to be ready for the big girls? More questions to come.
How many hens total will you have? 3 roosters are alot.

I don't understand your question. Are you asking how soon you can introduce your chicks to your big girls, or how soon before your roosters will be, um, mature?

I personally like to wait until my chicks are almost the size of the adults before I introduce them into the flock so they are better able to defend themselves. My coop has 2 sections. 3/4 of it is for my main flock. The other 1/4 I use for a breeding pen, a broody/chick raising area, a grow-out pen, a bachelor pad, a recovery unit, whatever I need it for at the time. Right now, I have some 3 week old chicks in there. They will probably stay in there until they are 16 weeks old or so before I let them out.

As for the roosters, Jim said it best.
Hello all,

I'm hoping you can help me out. This is my 6-week-old Black Australorp roo. He is still feathering in but seems to be losing his down much faster than his feathers are coming in. He looks like this under his wings and near his vent on the sides, and his feathers look frazzled. I don't know if this is normal- or if not, what it could be. Any ideas?

Kinda looks like this? That's normal. It just looks worse or more obvious on the dark chicks.


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