Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Memo to self for next year:  Plant more beets! 

I got a few pints of pickled beets done and I made some pickled eggs with the leftover brine.  I don't know if I can wait to taste them!

My customers buy a lot of zucchini but not much yellow summer squash.  Who has some good recipes?

Anyone out there butcher their own chickens?

Yes, please share your recipe! I actually had beet-pickled deviled eggs at a local restaurant and they were delicious! The eggs were a lovely shade of purple :)

Cind: oh no! Does DE work for that?
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Yes, please share your recipe! I actually had beet-pickled deviled eggs at a local restaurant and they were delicious! The eggs were a lovely shade of purple

Cind: oh no! Does DE work for that?

I found recipes on line and, after looking them over, picked one that I thought looked right. (Many of them are basically the same unless you want to pickle Harvard beets.) I haven't tried them yet so I don't know if I would recommend the recipe. I substituted kosher salt for pickling salt because I didn't have any. For the pickled eggs I hard boiled some eggs and used the same brine.

It's all trial and error in my kitchen.
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Cd, a lot of the birds you mentioned, we raise here :) I wish I could show you some pictures. But my BYC has been on the blitz. If you like, send me a pm and we can exchange #'s. We are near Brandon. I have Silkies available now in various colors. Straight run chicks.
However our BLRW AND Olive Eggers are free range until next spring :)
Hi All!

Firstchick....For hatching eggs.... do not wash or refrigerate! In most other Countries eggs are not washed or refrigerated. They just wash them if need be before they use them. That "bloom" that was mentioned is a wonderful thing and really does keep eggs good for a long time. Somewhere along the way in this country people decided they wanted really "clean" eggs, so the bloom got washed off, with the bloom gone they had to be refrigerated. If you put unwashed eggs in the frig, chances are they will get damp, then the bloom gets disrupted and they must stay in the frig as if they were washed. Many of us (not all) just leave them on the counter unwashed until we use them.

I think my birds have lice

Night All!
Thanks for the info, guess I'll just leave them out of the frige, good luck with the lice.
I found recipes on line and, after looking them over, picked one that I thought looked right. (Many of them are basically the same unless you want to pickle Harvard beets.) I haven't tried them yet so I don't know if I would recommend the recipe. I substituted kosher salt for pickling salt because I didn't have any. For the pickled eggs I hard boiled some eggs and used the same brine.

It's all trial and error in my kitchen.
@Celtic Chick

Here are the pics of my bantam roo that needs an attitude adjustment. Sorry I didn't post them yesterday.




In the last picture you can see him free ranging with a few of our girls. Sorry about it being a bad picture standing next to him is an isa brown it really doesn't give as good of a size comparison as I wanted.
Thank you Jim for clearing that up. Sorry all to sound so ignorant I promise any ignorance is purely unintentional lol I am a newbie but I have done a ton of reading apparently I should have just found you guys first. So then just to reiterate Jim when selling eggs so long as they get refridgerated then it doesn't matter if they are fertile or not?
that is correct,,
the only thing you have to watch out for is finding an old nest and collecting the eggs from it..

when I was in high school, I worked at a grocery store,, not the super market kind,, a place where farmers came to shop.. the owner of the store bought eggs from the farmer's wives..
when the check out girls were not busy, their slack time was spent candling eggs.. many a chick was discovered this way..

this store had a large wooden barrel next to the door filled with salted herring ..

and in the rear of the store, the sides of beef and pork were hand cut for the display case..

I can remember our neighborhood store where eggs were sent home in a brown paper bag,, no egg cartons..
Ice cream was hand scooped into square paper boxes for pints and quart sized purchases..
cookies were in bins.. nothing in packages or boxes..
hello everybody!
i'm wondering if anyone here raises quail and if you need to have a game license to raise them. if you do a link would be an AWESOME thing to put on there! i have another question regarding flock certification, i show my birds at our local fair and i am sick and tired of getting them blood tested! if there is a link or any info on where to get that done i wound be much obliged!
Well, just finished 26 pints of green beans, waiting for pressure cooker to cool and take out the batch, one more batch to do for green beans, and then doing pickled beets.

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