Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

What a mess outside! Took 40 min to get home (normally it takes 20)! Got my car stuck in a drift in the parking lot (maintenance had not bothered to plow the parking lot).... Ugh. Trying to warm up before heading to bed.
good 6:3o AM

7 inches here, I guess..

I guess I have weird chickens.. at dusk, I had to open the coop door again to let in the last straggler hen,, mine din't seem to mind the blizzard.
IDK where the 6 guineas spent the night.
they might have been inside the coop, I didn't take notice when I shut the door.
both geese were inside, though..

I am not going out to plow until around noon.. I want the wind to die down ..

right now I am content to sit here with a cuppa; in my PJ's; with a nice pair of wool socks on.

BigZ , is your tractor back home yet ?

does the camp have a tractor ? or do you use a snowthrower?

today is our garbage collection day, I wonder if they will show up ? I will have to haul the dumpster to the road in the tractor bucket ..

@brentonc I had to do an emergency Storm Remodel to my coop last night too. We stapled a new piece of plastic over the screen window. closing it off entirely. I had used a short piece of plastic to keep out most of the rain this fall - I folded the bottom up to form a gutter and then had a 2 inch opening along the bottom for ventilation. This piece complelety covered the window and kept out all the wind. Then I shoveled out as much of the snow drift as I possibly could and threw down some new bedding.
Not expecting much for eggs, from my steady supply of 9 to 12 eggs a day from the 12 hens, yesterday I got 4. Then with all the excitement last night of the snow drift in the coop, the wheelbarrow and shovel to remove it, the new plastic going up - I doubt there will much for eggs for a while.
They were happy and content when I got out there this morning though, so it worked. Not much complaining going on - just standing at the door waiting for breakfast. This morning, I opened the door to the run and cut a new doorway in the plastic. DH is planning on building a "sun-room" out of old storm windows that will be located just outside the window so the plastic is just temporary.
Whadda mess out there.
I don't mind getting snow,but this storm was different.
I make the drive every night from Racine to Waukegan IL to go to work. I left 15 minutes early figuring I'd be driving slow. Well,my wife had parked behind my car in the driveway,and it took me 10 minutes just to get her car out of the way.. Only had about 4-5" of snow on the ground at the time. I figured it was too dicey to drive a car at that point for the 25 mile trip, so I hopped in one of the 4x4's. I usually only drive one of the gas guzzler trucks/Suburban to work in a blizzard!
If any of you go out today,don't let it fool you,it's not deep,but it's VERY icy,at least here in SE WI!

Hens pretty much stayed in the coop all day yesterday even with the door to their run open.
We got about 6 inches, with drifting in odd spots. DH used the garden tractor with the snowblower attachment to clear the driveway this morning, but still waiting for the town to plow the road.
I believe that next time we will start with the tractor moving snow ans clean up the edges with the snow blower. Live and learn.
getting close to time to go outside and start up Ollie.
but first Annie is making sausage and French toast..
I have already had my quota of coffee for the day..

I am not going to even open up the coop.
Maybe I will later, after I am done plowing..


I am done plowing,, I think this was the worst plowing ever . so much ice under the snow.. I spent half my time spinning uselessly and getting myself unstuck. both of my knees are sore from all the clutching and braking i had to do..

going to F&F to get layer ration .

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Afternoon after the storm to all...we were in the heart of the storm and ended up with 10". I used my snowblower Jim...my tractor is still at the Doctors office....hope it's not serious money to get her going. Down at Camp we have a snowblower on a Ingersal 4016...it works ok, but takes a lot longer every time than a tractor would...it's no small job as you are familiar with the place.

Hi All.

Yep, sitting in ICU.
My heart was going kinda wonky. They got me on a new med. now and it seems to be working. After they can get some "sludge" out of my left lung I'll go to a regular room for a couple of days, then home.

Thanks for your thoughts for Jasmine. She hatched a coop full over the years. A very good hen and mom.

Jim, glad your going to put along for another year. Next time ask for the extended warranty.

Catch you later.

Hugs..I wish I could drive..

Hi everyone;
Just found this thread. Does anyone in SW Wisconsin plan to have some Muscovy ducklings this spring? My daughter and I are looking for some. Thanks.
Hello..Terri O is not that far north. She always has ducklings

Whadda mess out there.
I don't mind getting snow,but this storm was different.
I make the drive every night from Racine to Waukegan IL to go to work. I left 15 minutes early figuring I'd be driving slow. Well,my wife had parked behind my car in the driveway,and it took me 10 minutes just to get her car out of the way.. Only had about 4-5" of snow on the ground at the time. I figured it was too dicey to drive a car at that point for the 25 mile trip, so I hopped in one of the 4x4's. I usually only drive one of the gas guzzler trucks/Suburban to work in a blizzard!
If any of you go out today,don't let it fool you,it's not deep,but it's VERY icy,at least here in SE WI!

Hens pretty much stayed in the coop all day yesterday even with the door to their run open.
it is terrible out there..
Where in Racine are you...I am on Spring St.
@wyoDreamer Glad to hear I wasn't alone! My cardboard flap covers made it through the night, and the birds seemed pretty happy this am. I had to shovel out their mini-run and put down some fresh straw as well. They spent most of the day today in the 10'x6' greenhouse that I put next to their coop, so I am glad that I decided to make that for them.

Total aside - my 1.5yo son has been sleeping terribly the last week or so - sure enough, he has 6(!) new teeth coming in. Poor kiddo.

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