Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Once again I am not getting notified when somebody posts here.
I re-established the "immediately" so we'll see how that works,

I am still a bit sore knee'd , when I went out to tie Zeke up, I noticed a few high spots that should be knocked down yet..
It was snowing again, so maybe I will take Ollie out for another ride tomorrow..

Lovely day in the northwoods today. It's beautiful out. And my ladies went 7 for 8. Can't ask for much more than that

If anyone is good at telling what breed of chickens I have, I started this thread to try and find out: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1070810/anyone-know-what-my-girls-are#post_16309914

They were in terrible shape when I got them and I have been waiting to let them feather out and fatten up before posting.
I checked out your thread,
I would be careful about the info you will receive there.
the barred ones look to be barred rocks.
production reds and Rhode Island reds are not the same thing.
the one could be a buff orpington, or some other buff..
try to take close up pics of the individual birds.

CC knows Dominiques.. Doms and barred rocks are not the same..

good evening,

have good news, but no pictures to go with it, yet..

Our goose hatched out at least 2 babies today.. they are all in the chicken coop and doing very well..
We didn't know if she was sitting on some old eggs that were buried in the straw, or if she layed eggs on or about Thanksgiving. we opted on the chance that she laid her own eggs .
we have no idea how many eggs there were, nor if there are any more goslings under her.. I saw only two.. and she was sitting tightly on the nest while the gander watched over the two who were scooting around inside the coop..


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