Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Evening to all.... Happy day at the feed mill today when I picked up 5 bags of layer feed and they were only $7.60 per 50lbs...I liked that for sure.

Hope everything goes well Cind...sounds like you have it figured out.

Everything else is going good...but we don't need the snow that's coming next week...heck with that.
Maybe it will go West or East of here instead of right at us here, that would be nice.

Easy peasy FFF tonight with store bought battered fish and frozen fries in the oven....Suzie needed a break tonight and it was actually not bad.

Be Safe..bigz
Wow, that must have been an awful nice surprise for the feed price. Sure wish it would come down down here.

Not looking forward to the snow either. I'm ready for spring.

Glad to hear Suzie got to take it easy tonight. You better not be working her too hard Brent.
Hi All!

The scope thing went well. Don't even remember passing out but took 2 naps when I got home. LOL They went through the nose so bypassed the nasty throat.

I miss goat milk too, used to get it from my aunt's goats. I love goats but spent just enough time with them and learned enough that when DH wanted goats I could talk him out of it. LOL If I was 20-30 years younger and in better heath... I would get some in a heartbeat!

Night All!
Gentle Afternoon to everyone.....Gonna fire up the Weber for venzun burgers later....they ar gonna taste so good for a change...grilled onions and toasted buns too.

I was going through some food stuff stored in 5 gallon pails with covers and I think the plastic container inside one from the bash has your dry pancake mix in it.....what do I need to do in order to use it up Jim? Does it need eggs added, as well as milk? Do you have a guesstimate amount for a small batch? Id like to see it used up, now that I remember I have it. It was in a empty Paul's Italian container and still looks perfectly fine.

Dang no Packer game tomorrow.... bummer.

Enjoy the weather....bigz
Gentle Afternoon to everyone.....Gonna fire up the Weber for venzun burgers later....they ar gonna taste so good for a change...grilled onions and toasted buns too.

I was going through some food stuff stored in 5 gallon pails with covers and I think the plastic container inside one from the bash has your dry pancake mix in it.....what do I need to do in order to use it up Jim? Does it need eggs added, as well as milk? Do you have a guesstimate amount for a small batch? Id like to see it used up, now that I remember I have it. It was in a empty Paul's Italian container and still looks perfectly fine.

Dang no Packer game tomorrow.... bummer.

Enjoy the weather....bigz
Is that mix from last year's bash ? If so, it is not mine..
I didn't use a mix,, I made them from scratch for each batch..
If is was just left over flour from me, then it was two bashes ago..

Just beat up two eggs, a little salt, a teaspoon of baking soda, a couple of teaspoons of baking powder, a couple tablespoons of sugar.. flour: 3 parts flour, 1 part corn flour.. (or buckwheat flour) and a little cooking oil, about 1 Tablespoon.. 2 tablespoons of vinegar in the milk to sour it and it interacts with the baking soda and powder to help lighten the cakes. I don't know exact measurements,, just wing it like I do .

I found a good source for croutons.. the BBB,
slice it and cube it and let it dry out .
then coat it with EVOO and some garlic powder

I put a good Tablespoon of Garlic right in the dough.. I think next time I will put 2 Tablespoons in ..

This dry mix was from 2 years ago....then it must be flour you gave me. Terri made eggs and bacon last year I think. Thanks for the recipe and I do tend to wing things a lot in the kitchen...it's the best way to create great tasting food.

Raining here now and the snow just slid off the steel roof..that will get your attention.

good morning,

I made a potta out of the good coffee that Annie picks up at Aldy's . one cuppa down and soon will go for another.

I noticed that some of the snow slid off of the garage roof. If it slid off of the house I wasn't here to hear it.. When it goes, it really gets your attention..
I love my metal roof..
Wausau says "no metal roofs" in town.
How stupid can they be ?
I guess you can have the metal that looks like shingles, but no ribbed roofs.
If someone gave me a house in Wausau, I would immediately sell it.

Zeke was a good dog last night, for the first time I did not put the leash on him to take him to be tied out. He came right to me and sat down and let me snap the chain to his collar.

I have been letting him run loose for about an hour before letting him into the house for treats.. that really helps to calm him down..

the dogs destroyed another dog mattress from in their coop.
I think I am going to put a thick layer of shavings or straw on their floor, and then put a carpet remnant on top of that..
they really don't need the insulation, but they do not object to coming into our house and catching a few Z's on our carpet.

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