Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Thank you for all the tips and suggestions. I guess I should have been more exact on what I planned. So this is the general design I am going to build it off of. Won't be exact and I will be making it bigger than said. Will be 4'X4' and 5' tall for sure. Will be adding windows, gable end vents, and one side or back of the coop I plan on having it hinged to fully open it so that it can easily be cleaned up when the time comes. Won't be making it moveable as it needs to fit in a spot in the backyard. I will try to document some of my adventures along the way. Looking for the chicks as for now and have a lead on a couple of different spots. Thanks to all for the feedback.
Good morning! I have the day off...
What should I do first??

Finish grafting some scion wood onto the apple tree?

Check for baby chicks under the broody hen?

Practice the cello and/or harp?

Cut out and sew some new window covers?

Clean the house?

So many things to do, but none will get done if I don't get off the computer!!
One of my students asked that I inquire if anyone in Northern Wisconsin has goats for sale. I think the boy would be happy with any goat. Possibly someone has an orphaned kid. Feel free to PM if you wish.

Thank you.
Hello everyone. Got 4 eggs of 7 potentials.

We've been working on the garden, I've planted the early spring garden. We've boiled down 20G of maple/canned 1 G of syrup plus some black walnut too.

Hope you are all well.

black walnut syrup ? what does that taste like ?
I have about 80 black walnut trees..
they are not big enough to tap, though. I don't think .

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