Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Had to go into drs yesterday. Me and Anellia have been sick. Both have Influenza and I have phnemonia ughs. We both had our flu shots. Have been having a harder and harder time breathing along with nasty cough. Put me on antibiotics as I have emphysema, asthma and copd. Refused antibiotics for Anellia against my request. I feel we also have bronchitis bur urgent care Dr would not listen to me. Going to keep and eye on her and if worsens, taking her to her ped. As he always listens.
Have another small batch of chicks hatching right now. 5 BLR, 1 SS hatched with 4 more BLR pipped and waiting on the straggler Cc Legbar to pip. Counted the other chicks hatched and theres 22, alot are BYM chicks crossed with either the CCL, Iowa Blue, BLR, Lav Orp and Favaucana going to be a pretty batch of Easter Egger chicks for someone.
Feel better soon!
For those of you who don't have a door wide enough to accommodate a wheelbarrow, which I don't, a wagon will work well for the clean out. I have one of those Gorilla wagons with a dump box and I love it!
good day,

had to take Annie in to drop off her car and pick up a loaner.
had breakfast at the restaurant ..

came home , watered and checked on the feeder. the side that I modified yesterday is working OK.

the chickens are not fully sure that they should be eating that strange natural food .
they will get used to it.

I am going to go out in a little while and do some more modifying on the feeder.
then I will be taking pictures.

I have a pair of gray geese, 18 production black hens, 1 very colorful and satisfied rooster who has his favorite 7 girls, and 6 guineas, I think only one of them is a hen.

Wintery Hunt this morning. It was fun like always, and it ended up being a short 45 minute hunt.

It was fun in the snow!

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good day,

had to take Annie in to drop off her car and pick up a loaner.
had breakfast at the restaurant ..

came home , watered and checked on the feeder. the side that I modified yesterday is working OK.  

the chickens are not fully sure that they should be eating that strange natural food .
they will get used to it.

I am going to go out in a little while and do some more modifying on the feeder.
then I will be taking pictures.

I have a pair of gray geese,  18 production black hens, 1 very colorful and satisfied rooster who has his favorite 7 girls,  and 6 guineas,  I think only one of them is a hen.


Wow are guineas more likely to hatch out males or did you just get the short end of the stick?

Also for those who have geese I was attacked by my baby sitter's geese as a child and have always found them aggressive is this true of all geese or more for certain breeds?

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