Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

we tried newspaper .. once we put down thick layers of it. it turned into paper mache and took a long time to decompose.

landscape cloth it good if you don't forget to take it up in the fall..

I put the lid on the feeder today,, it works and looks really nice..

The only time newspaper worked to keep out weeds was when I laid it down (thickly) on the path from the parking lot to the store before laying crushed limestone on it. Kept the weeds out for a long time but now it needs to be re-done.
I am so excited-my Hovabator 1588 (w/turner) arrived today and is warming up as we speak! Anyone else use these? I know Vicki does :).This has a digital thermometer/hygrometer. Wondering if everyone else buys another to calibrate for accuracy?

Also, if you use the auto turner, should I plug this in and try to determine if its working properly? I know it turns so slowly, not sure I will be able to tell?
Good Evening to all.... I'm not familiar with that unit angibubs, but know that with the brinsea like I use, they tell you to believe their units accuracy and not a probing unit of any price. I think I would believe your unit and heck ya give that turner a trial run...they turn faster than you imagine I'm guessing.....I'll have to google your unit and check it out.....good luck!

I used to use the Hova and the Little Giant. I ran 8 of them at a time the last year that I ran them,
then I sold all but one and now I have 3 Sportsmans.,

For the first batch, I would go with what you have.

I would NOT put the most expensive or exotic eggs in there for the first time.

Is the thermostat digital,, or solid state ? I never saw one with digital.

I didn't know they now come with a hygrometer either.


You will go crazy watching to see if the turner is working.
It turns so slowly. I forget how many times it turns in 24 hours.. I think it is 4 ? you will just have to start it up and then check it every hour or so..

OK I just checked it out on Amazon. it is not what I expected to see, but yes, you have a digital thermometer/hygrometer.
Not a digital thermostat like I was picturing in my head.
I am assuming (hoping) you have a fan ?

On the turner motor, it might tell you something about the cycles .

It is NOT a good idea to get or compare two thermometers and average them. what if both read high, or both read low, ? what do you gain ?
Use just one and trust it..
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Hi All!

I'm probably the only one here that noticed, but BYC was down for a few hours. Got a 503 error "No good backend" LOL

Night All.
I noticed too. Third shift gets a little lonely when I can't get in here. I chickled at the no good back end error message too...don't they have people who sit down and think how things could misconstrued?? Lol guess not
My plowboy (AKA hubs) is going to do his thing in the garden today. YAY!

The dog is REALLY going to need a bath tonight!!

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