Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

corey, i am on here only when I take a break,, unfortunately, I take a LOT of breaks.
I also looked at those mid sized tractors. I passed them up because I am cheap, also.. but as it turned out, after buying a big tractor, and then overhauling it. I could have had one of those more expensive middies ..
usually they had a loader on them already. so in my case, all I would have needed would be a hiller.
(which I do not have , yet)
and cultivators..
I have a 3 point 2 row cultivator for the big tractor.
only I repositioned all the shanks and made it into a drag. and I also use it as a chisel plow to work the garden up..

........jiminwisc...... .

I probably will not go work in the trees today.. it is too wet, and the ground is too soft to drive over with the tractor.. I need to stand in the bucket to cut some of those higher limbs.

I don't mind taking a day off .

I have some big branches to cut off of the black walnuts next to the house. those I can reach from the ground..
I can buck them as they hang, and then pick up the chunks later

that "storm" we had turned out to be just a nice rain.


Hi all! I'm new to backyard chickens and to this forum. I just started my own flock in Walworth county
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Today's haul from the garden. Time to make the salsa and spaghetti sauce.
So very very jealous! Lol what tomatoes do you plant? We have some big boys and beefsteaks this year and the all have tons of huge green tomatoes that just grow and grow and grow and haven't ripened yet. Not a one! I'm very disappointed. Our peppers have finally put out bids but still look rather sickly. I'm not sure what's wrong with them they are however finally growing. The rest of our garden flopped this year. Oh well I guess there's next year. When does everyone start planting their fall crops? I would like to try some more lettuce and spinach. Is there anything else it's not too late for/or that we can try for a fall crop of?
Hi all! I'm new to backyard chickens and to this forum. I just started my own flock in Walworth county
Hi welcome! What do you have and how many? We got several dozen jars of peaches canned tonight and more to do tomorrow. Will tell you all about it tomorrow, for now it's time for bed.
Looking like it's gonna be a nice morning to get some outside work done. Nice and cool but the humidity is sure still there. Better than 90 tho. This heat has kinda hindered the egg production.
good morning,

if the sun wouldn't come out , it would be just perfect .

To transplant peppers:
I think we all pretty much know how to plant tomatoes;
bury the stems up to the first leaves..
Well. on peppers,just like tomatoes;
take the bottom set of leaves off and then bury the stems up to the next set of leaves.

I am already mentally planning my next year's garden.

I don't plant fall crops, so I can't help you there.

the beans have all been picked. soon the second picking will be ready. Yesterday ,Annie picked enough for supper .
home canned or frozen beans are the best, but they still come in second to freshly picked and cooked ones.


So very very jealous! Lol what tomatoes do you plant? We have some big boys and beefsteaks this year and the all have tons of huge green tomatoes that just grow and grow and grow and haven't ripened yet. Not a one! I'm very disappointed. Our peppers have finally put out bids but still look rather sickly. I'm not sure what's wrong with them they are however finally growing. The rest of our garden flopped this year. Oh well I guess there's next year. When does everyone start planting their fall crops? I would like to try some more lettuce and spinach. Is there anything else it's not too late for/or that we can try for a fall crop of?
Hi welcome! What do you have and how many?

We got several dozen jars of peaches canned tonight and more to do tomorrow. Will tell you all about it tomorrow, for now it's time for bed.
We plant fall crop, time is now.

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