Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning,
busy talking with potential puppy buyers this morning.

have a service tech coming to look at the washing machine. the water didn't shut off and it overflowed. I suspect a spec of dirt in a valve or something like that.
we really don't want to buy a new one.
they just don't last as long as these older ones do. bil bought one, it lasted 5 years.
have to go for labs at the VA this morning.
would like to make a 4 ft x 7 ft pour yet today. about 20 bags of redi mix.
When I bought my house last year, they left the old washer & dryer. The dryer didn't work well so i replaced it. The washer works great and I'll bet it is at least 15 yrs old...I hope I don't have to replace it in the future. At the last place I lived, I had to buy a new washer and dryer...didn't work near as well as this washer
Hi there everyone. Haven't been on much but I have been reading. Garden is going into full production mode. I picked over 100 lbs of tomatoes this week. Have over 50 pints of dill pickles made. I have already made a dozen quarts of sauce and have 3 batches to make out of the recent tomatoes. Hoping to get more than a dozen jars out of each. Beans are producing plenty. Not as good as last year but still decent. Chickens are doing great. My EEs from this spring are starting to produce. Stupid silkies are going broody AGAIN. Puppy is growing well. A friend of mine ended up with the sister of ours. Our skunk is now healthy and being just plain adorable. Ok, I think I am mostly caught up on life here. Time to get back to work!
Another day from hell with the computer provider. just now got online.
this is getting old reeaal fast.
I had to get online to do some puppy selling.
the outage had me sooo p'd off that I couldn't get myself to do any work outside.
I did finally get the forms set for my next pour. 4 ft x 7 ft.
had a woman stop in and check out the pups. she only has to talk her DH into it.
another woman might come on Sunday to pick one out.
I ran a new ad on a site called
Bestfarmbuys.com sort of like Craig's List.

We've been having internet issues lately also. Verizon needs to step up their game.​

don't hold your breath for that ..
My brother and my bil both were fiber optic techs. my bro retired 7 years ago.
they never replaced him and he was the only tech in the north half of Wisc.
bil worked with it too, but never had the schooling for it. he also retired.
now nobody is working with fiber optics and their cable pressurization is being neglected also.
all they have for trouble shooters are some derillects who don't give a siht about the customers.
Back at home for the next few days..... my Manx cat decided I needed a 'present' at 2 am..... a shoelace.

Prepping the house to sell; it is a long process to process 20 yrs of 'stuff'! Looking forward to 2x the house a 10x the yard!!!!

Wednesday was enrollment and orientation day for the youngest DS. We spent the extra time investigating the town and the area our house is located. Discovered we can bike ride into town without traveling highways: a major plus! We are excited to embark on this new adventure. :) I know I will be happy once we are all settled under one roof again! After we move, once we sell the house the next step will be building a shed for the DH. He deserves it. :)
Good "crunchy" morning everyone. Well, anything I didn't cover last night is probably toast. Stood by the kitchen window with my first cuppa earlier and watched the hore frost come up from the flood plain, creep out the woods and come rolling across the field toward the house. In the first light I could already see the thick layer of white on the dark colored quilts that are laying over the tomato towers. The plants are loaded with just turning tomatoes. I can only hope the temps hadn't dropped too long before dawn, sigh. Didn't bother with rest of it except a few tender herbs. All the wet this year combined with too many cool nights let the powdery mildew and blight make a mess of the rest of the crops. Even the first round of the Roma tomatoes mostly succumbed to blossom end rot because of all the rains.

At least I managed the healthiest bunch of chicks I've ever had and the Kale they love so much also loves the frost so the chicks will still be happy little campers this morning.

I love the fall anyway and I am so ready to put my sad looking gardens to bed for the year.
Hi everybody! I just got my first 3 chickens a couple of days ago. I have a Buff Orpington, a Brown Red Ameracauna, and a Partridge Chantecler.


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