Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Fish Fry Friday again...where did the week go! Made a lap to Antigo this morning. I needed one of the deer blinds they have on sale, but not available in the small store here. It will be a good a place to keep out of the weather. Antigo has so much to offer, compared to this area. Had to stop by Nueskes and pick up some bacon, brats, and porky links....I forgot to stop at the sausage place in Antigo that a lot folks give good reference.

Hi all,
So busy here. Starting my new shift in a week, can't wait as these early mornings are KILLING me!
I don't know if I'm getting old or what, but I've been so tired I'm useless once I get home. Hopefully working 2nd will be a little easier on me.
Chickens are laying a dozen eggs a day and I took over 2 dozen to work and didn't bring any home! I call that a win :yesss:
I'm hoping I will get 2 green eggs in the same day soon to confirm my beloved Muff is actually a girl and not a roo in disguise.
I seriously love my EE's. They are so pretty and curious. I think I'll be getting more next year, along with some black copper marans so I can cross them and get olive eggers.
My leghorns are my most surprising girls. I thought they'd be downright nasty, mean things...but turns out they are the friendliest birds we have!
The barred rocks will likely stay, DH picked them out...but I think a large portion of our flock will find their way to the stew pot next year as we fine tune our wants and needs.
Hopefully the garden won't be such a hot mess next year. I've got a TON of tomatoes on the vine, but they aren't ripening b/c they don't get enough sun.
A different location and better spacing and support should help next year.
I suppose I should go and get the batch of ripe tomatoes in the nesco to cook down and make into sauce before they go bad...if I wasn't so darn tired all the time this would be so much easier. :rolleyes:
Take care all,
So funny hearing how lovely antigo is! I guess living here I don't realize the perks as compared to coming from something smaller. I believe the sausage place your taking about bigz is peroutkas. It's right by menards. They really have some good stuff. Lots of brat varieties and excellent ring liver sausage too.....and jalapeño cheddar snack sticks are to die for. Big pieces of cheese in em. Have a good last hot weekend everyone!
good evening,
I have a couple of volunteers to help me set up the first wall. I just have to wait until they can show up.
In the mean time I laid out the first (pattern) rafter. made a mistake on the first lay out. but I did not do any sawing before I realized it.
It is all sawed out and ready for tracing..

I poured myself a nice mug of ice water and left it upstairs. .:he

DD is talking about freezing corn tomorrow.
that's OK with me if we can get an early start and be done by noon.

I plan on scraping the kernels off of about 400 ears..
I like creamed style.
hate the store bought stuff in a can.
If I don't process anything else, I will do my corn...



I still need to find some sweet corn this year. Hope it isn't too late. Garden is winding down. Got about a dozen pumpkins off the vines. Just decorative ones. Although I am not really sure what the difference between these and "eating" pumpkins is.
Hi all,
@Daethen got tomatoes in the nesco, gonna try canning your sauce this weekend, just have to figure a way to measure how many cups of tomatoes I have! I just chopped them up and put them in the nesco (big one, takes up half my counter!)
I can't wait to try it. I read bigz said the lasagna was great and I do like a good lasagna :D
@bigzio gonna try to get around to making pickles this weekend too! I copied the recipe down just as Suzie wrote it, so fingers crossed!
Next thing on the list will be some jam... I have always wanted to can my own jams and jellies!
Then my dad said he wants to can some venison this year after he tried ours. I'm so excited to be able to show him how to do something for a change:celebrate
All the critters here are good. Sometimes I still can't believe we have all the animals we do... and it all started with chickens!
Just goes to show chicken math is a raging, contagious disease! (for example, I told DH I wanted to thin out our current flock to get more EE's and some other specific breeds and he said "why not keep the ones we have and just add to the flock?" :th)
You could've knocked me over with a feather when he said that!
Now, if I can just find a more efficient way to feed them, all would be well!
Have a great weekend everyone!
good morning,
Jean, on another thread I posted a couple of pictures of the feeder i made with a 5 gal plastic pail and a shallow pan.
it is not unlike the ones you can find somewhere on byc, except I tweaked it a bit.
I have to do a tutorial on it and build another just to show how easy it is.
the pictures I took didn't come out too well.

I got a call DD Barby is bringing sil Suzie out to do corn today.
that will take me away from my building, but we have to make sacrifices sometimes..

maybe I can cut a rafter or two while waiting for them to show up.

I have to trim a couple of window sashes to size to fit between the studs. these are recycled sashes from the windows we removed to put the new ones in.
they will not open. I am putting one in each corner on the rear wall just for some light ..

Jean, I fill a 22 quart canner to simmer my sauce. If you think your nesco is about the same size just follow the recipe. Even if you have a few cups more or less it will turn out fine. Also, how do you can your venison? I also can it and maybe we can exchange ideas. Chickens can be quite addicting and if you find a favorite or 2 it is hard to cull any. My daughter won't let me send them to freezer camp so I have found a couple of friends that will take them when the laying slows down. They let them free range and sometimes nature helps with the culling, lol. Don't tell my daughter that.
Warm opening day for bow hunting. I took the morning off, but might go this afternoon.
Dae, the difference between pie pumpkins and Halloween pumpkins has to do with the usable meat. The pie pumpkins have a nice layer of squash like meat, while the lantern type have a stringy type layer of meat. I suppose one could use it, however one would need to process the meat to eliminate the stringy texture. I use buttercup squash for all my pumpkin pies....I use to grow pie pumpkins, but found out they are not necessary.


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