Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have too much to do.

Finally have the house up north ready to list, a Herculean effort by the DH my oldest DS and myself. Every bit of damage done by four kids and various critters has been repaired. As soon as the listing is up, I will share the link.

Now I get to unpack...... :th

I did get the tiered garden bed weeded, and made some progress rearranging items in the kitchen. Going through everything and pitching a lot as well.

I love having the bird feeders out again; the songbirds are sooooo much nicer to see than the nuisance birds. It keeps the cats busy too. :)
good morning, phone started ringing at 7AM.
got up and made coffee.
answered phone twice more before 8AM
I must be a popular guy, eh?

today is paint the window frame parts day.

I guess from here on out we will watch the Pack just to see how badly they will get beat.


Must be Fall because I hauled out all my cross-stitching projects to work on over the winter. I have so much stash I'll have to be 300 years old in order to finish it all.
I still need to get the garden tilled under and the grass cut one last time, but it's been too wet. Pullets are still laying 6 eggs a day...there are 2 that aren't laying yet and I'll bet they won't until Spring. Going to get 15 more in Spring along with one rooster.
Yesterday was a year that I moved into my new-to-me house. Lots of projects are done but lots more to go. Waiting for siding to be put on before this winter.

I have all the pieces of frame painted, including the sashes.

I was going to move into the shop to paint, but as it turned out, it was warmer outside.
I have pieces in the tractor bucket and on the back of the pu truck drying.

I even painted the sub frame and gave the sill a second coat.

If I would ever move from this place, I would leave everything behind..
can you imagine 52 years of accumulation ?

Happy new-to-you house Kokos!

It was a gorgeous day for painting outside. I'd like to give the chicken coop a coat of paint or two before it gets too cold.
I'll let the potato patch dry out a bit before I finish digging those up.

We did not get the frost that was forcast as a possibility last night. I wanted my sweet potatoes to have a little more time to grow, so no frost makes me happy!

Have a goodnight!
I am waiting for the coffee to be ready.

I started a couple of sweet potato plants,
I didn't plant them because I figured our
growing season isn't long enough.
so, what happens? this weather..

I am waiting for the coffee to be ready.

I started a couple of sweet potato plants,
I didn't plant them because I figured our
growing season isn't long enough.
so, what happens? this weather..


Isn't that the way of things?!!!

I know of a family close to Cambria that grows sweet potatoes every year. I believe it is a 90-day potato for the northern zones. My mom reports they dug some for her when she was visiting two weeks ago and they were a nice size at that time. I do not know how much further north you are, Wausau area??
I grow a 120-day variety, purple fleshed, that I have to warm the soil before I plant the slips and keep them covered for a couple of weeks to retain some heat for them. If I can find it, I will post a photo of the first hill I dug last year.
:frowHi there,
today I worked on the outside things that needed to be done on the shed. I will save the inside things for when it gets colder and/or wetter..

I mowed the weeds off of the potato row.
that should make digging them easier.

Yesterday while taking one break of many, the "lone chicken" hopped up onto my lap.
she doesn't lay any eggs. so I think she is just warming up to me to keep me from butchering her..:lau
she even let me pet her.

I am 35 miles north of Stevens Point.
Cambria is about even with St. Pt. I think.

6 weeks ago, I got 10 "day-old" chicks. 4 of those were broilers. Looking at them today, they are all different sizes, lol! I'll have to take a scale out to check them.

Working at finishing up all the summer tasks that we couldn't do this summer because of rain...
6 weeks ago, I got 10 "day-old" chicks. 4 of those were broilers. Looking at them today, they are all different sizes, lol! I'll have to take a scale out to check them.

Working at finishing up all the summer tasks that we couldn't do this summer because of rain...

the size of those chicks is not your imagination.
when I had 100 of them, I noticed that there were 3 distinct sizes..
we butchered the smallest ones first.
a couple of those, we let grow. they never did get as large as the rest..

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