Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I never heard of crochet socks.
I made a comment to a cousin of mine one time about how you can't find a good wool sock .
the sides are nice and thick, but the part on the foot is so thin. she surprised me with a pair of wool socks about two weeks later. THICK bottoms.

Now I have the image of a drooling banjo player stuck in my head!:lau

Morning everyone!
just thought I would pop in and say "Hello". I better not post any selfies!!! First instrument I picked up as a child was a banjo. I played 5 string for many years. (for those who may not know, a 5 string is a bluegrass banjo. Far harder to play than a 4 string since it played by 5 finger "picking" instead of strumming, which is the method for 4 string) Switched to Dulcimer in my old age and gave my 5 string and guitar to my grandchildren (mom and dad both play several instruments, girls already do well on the keyboard).

Crispy 15o when I arose this morning but at least most of the snow (we got 4") is gone. Nothing new here. All the summer and fall projects are finally finished. All the birds are doing well, the June chicks are filling out and looking nice. No eggs from them yet but since they are all heritage large breeds, that's no surprise. It's ok, they can wait til' spring, my Wyandottes and the "old lady" BA are still giving a few and froze enough for the holiday cooking so all is good.

Time to grab the heavy coat and get outside. Have a blessed day all!!!

ETA; spoke too soon. went out this afternoon to dump the last rainbarrel before it turned into a solid block of ice and decided to check if the nestboxes needed cleaning and there sat two pullet eggs! Bitter cold, short daylight and the crazy birds decide to start laying :confused:
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Update on my (not so) little stinker. He is such a fun little guy. His brother now lives 6 miles away from us. He has been neutered which helped with the peeing situation. He is about to be allowed in the whole house. We have kept him in the kitchen (only room with hard floors) until he was doing good with potty training. We have been introducing him to the dogs and he and one of our dachshunds are getting to be great playmates. He has no modesty btw.

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I am so far behind in doing stuff to get ready for winter and tonight it is supposed to get down to 13. Thought I was going to cut the grass today but it is raining again..darn it. I need to get the garden cleaned out, the new waterer set up for the chickens and fix a bunch of little things. Too much to do, not enough warmer weather.
good snowy morning

nobody could be farther behind me in getting ready for winter.

I am counting on the 45F weather next week to accomplish what needs to be done so that I can push snow when it really comes..

5F really makes me want to go outside.
I am sooo glad I got rid of all my chickens for the winter..

I am thinking I might do a tutorial on making the feeder. I can do most of it in the house where it is warm..

Well heck...might as well put off what needs to be done till later...no hurry to get things done that can wait.....save yourself the stress.... it will get done when it gets done....their will be plenty more almost daily to add to the to do list.....relax and enjoy the good times....


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