Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Chilly Fish Fry Friday to all.... tonight it's baked haddock and shrimp with hash browns. I sure do miss the outside cooker already when it comes to deep fried fish and fresh made fries that are addicting ...must be having withdrawals....

I had a shrimp basket for lunch.
couldn't eat all they brought for me.
I ate just the shrimp and cole slaw.
I brought the FrFries and lettuce salad home for supper.

I picked up a 1/4" x 12" x 16" piece of plate glass. on the phone the guy said it would be $10.oo... when I picked it up it was $5.oo.. Merry Christmas, I guess..

Hello All!
Dropped by to wish all a merry Xmas!!
It was a busy year with family & work.
On the chicken front....the coop is very roomy this winter.
7 hens....for now. Looking for additions.
We made it through late spring & summer without any losses to Mr & Mrs fox.

Took a year off from doing meat birds.
Have a few from last year, and some roosters from this year in the freezer.
Will do a lot of canning ( chickens & venny ) next month.
Hi ,

I got my butcher block done today.
It is just a teeny bit high on one corner.
I can live with it, but I am going to tweak it a bit tomorrow..

nothing else new here.

Finally got the Hartford house sold and closed. One more property to dispose of but DS & DIL are buying it...hopefully before the end of the year so I can close late hubby's estate. I so want to be done with this...almost 2 years.
I'm having the house sided now and can't wait until it is done...they ripped off the old siding and then covered it with some green stuff that is supposed to be better than tyvek. I'm loving the brown color and the white corners. Bad thing is, they took down all the outdoor lights and I cant see a darn thing at night. Supposed to be mostly done next week except for the gutters.
I hate this cold and snow. Seems to early to me.
Yep, I am not a fan of this cold either.
if it keeps up, I am going to have to change out of my cut-offs and flip flogs and start wearing long pants and tennies ..
Hi ,

I got my butcher block done today.
It is just a teeny bit high on one corner.
I can live with it, but I am going to tweak it a bit tomorrow..

nothing else new here.

I need a butcher block, so I can use this

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