Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hah cool! I'd be all for it as long as I don't have anything else going on

Edit: weekend before my wedding and I'm already signed up for a 5k against the advice of fiance... Oh well :/
Where does it take place anyway?
Chicken stock takes place at Christus Memorial Camp just outside of Clintonville. There are places for tent camping, RV hook ups (electric) and a bunkhouse. They have a fully stocked kitchen (food essentials like coffee etc.) and an amazing fire pit. BYOB, food, a dish for the potluck on Saturday, a raffle item and a white elephant gift.
Thanks Mel for posting the bash information. I want to mention that we updated all the bunk room mattresses in case someone is thinking about using them. That was a expensive project we just completed.

Thanks Mel for posting the bash information. I want to mention that we updated all the bunk room mattresses in case someone is thinking about using them. That was a expensive project we just completed.

:eek: Do you mean we don't have to steal two other mattresses from other bunks and stack them any more ?? awesome ..
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nice score.
reminds me of our first rental after we got married.
we rented an unfurnished house. needed furniture, so we ended up at a furniture store downtown. found a very nice dining room set.
table, chairs and a side board.
had it delivered and noticed that all the feet on all of the furniture fitted exactly into the indentations of the carpet in the dining room.
we deduced that we bought the same set that was originally in that house.. kind of spooky..
Yep Jim other folks were complaining about the thinner than they like mattresses. We gave them to a battered women rescue place, and they plan on using them on a padded carpeted floor...it was nice to see them reused and not going into a landfill.

Great find Mel!

I've got the date for chickenstock on the calendar.

Bigz I ordered Dominique, rir, buff orps, white Plymouth rocks, and black Australorps. Our coop is 5x10 and the birds free range during the day (unless they refuse to leave when it's cold/snowy/rainy). The four hens we have now will move into the freezer when the 15 chicks start laying.

Just made our first maple syrup of the season. We got a late start from being out of town. Also got the seeds for the garden started in the basement.

Have a great night all.
Mel, I don't think I would mix the two saps.
each one has it's own distinctive taste..
I think you can tap birch trees, too.

tried to ship the puppy yesterday, she got bumped. going to try again on Thursday.
they will not ship animals if there is dry ice aboard.. I guess they don't care about humans..


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