Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Daethen my FIL assisted with putting the organ room together at THOTR. I bet he knows your dad. My FIL is from the Spring Green/Lone Rock area. His parents had a gas station/convenience store on hwy 130 where the highway, JJ and Old Mill Road intersect. His brother ran the Spring Green bank for many years.

I thought that the place was inspired by FLW, perhaps build by one of his apprentices, but not actually one of his homes.

I have to say, I absolutely love waking up in the morning and watching deer on my backyard and listening to the turkeys strut their stuff in the woods. :)
Hi fellow Wisconsinites! My husband and I are going to start raising baby chicks soon - they will arrive at the feed store either the first or second week of April (the large store order is dependent on when all the breeds ordered hatch). We have a two year old daughter, so we are starting with Speckled Sussex and Buff Orpingtons as they have been highly recommended to us as docile and cold hearty. Can't wait until I have pictures to share!
Hello fellow Wisconsin people! I just joined BYC last week and will be inheriting BBZZZZTT's 3 extra chickens as soon as my coop is built. Yep, I'm her Mom. We're only allowed 4 per backyard and she has 7, so I will soon have 3. I feel bad separating them since they will have been a nice little flock for a while but it's better than having them crowded and neighbors possibly counting them.
I too love all things nature, camping and hiking (go figure!). We have a family camping trip every summer at one state park or another.
I'm excited to be here and excited about the chicks!


Evening everyone..
I misunderstood the arrival date vs the ship date for my checks, so they arrive tomorrow.

Guess what I got to do first thing this morning? I had to bathe the cat who over night managed to get covered in gasoline. Yeah I'll be putting notes in the neighbors mailboxes just asking them to check their yards for the open gasoline/petroleum product that she got into. She has been fine all day, so we are probably in the clear as far as toxic poisoning.

Other news, we've sold out of our maple syrup and have another 30 gallons to boil down.
Hi fellow Wisconsinites! My husband and I are going to start raising baby chicks soon - they will arrive at the feed store either the first or second week of April (the large store order is dependent on when all the breeds ordered hatch). We have a two year old daughter, so we are starting with Speckled Sussex and Buff Orpingtons as they have been highly recommended to us as docile and cold hearty. Can't wait until I have pictures to share!
Welcome Thyme! We do love photos here!
BB: Having a skunk is awesome. He sleeps a lot right now. Will be more active as it warms up. He is a bit like a ferret but not quite. Likes to play and snuggle. Yes you need a special permit which is really easy to get. $50 the first year and $25 a year after that. Also you must buy from a breeder and not take one from the wild. Scent glands are removed before you get them and then we had him neutered. He plays with some of the dogs and the rest he ignores.

BL4: I am sure that they knew each other. Alex Jordan was the one that started the HOTR. My dad knew him well. He was a very nice guy.

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